UWI Regional Conference on Institutionalising Best Practice in Higher Education 2015 Proceedings

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    Defying established practice in the EFL classroom: The development of a theoretical framework for teaching and testing SE periphrastic verbs
    (2015-11-03) Ibrahim-Ali, Amina
    The English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Unit at the Centre for Language Learning (CLL) at The University of the West Indies (UWI) St. Augustine Campus is strategic to the institution's goal of global reach and impact in its provision of EFL to international corporations and students; in particular to those who matriculate into the university. Its policies match established standards in the field, its courses are delivered by qualified staff, and its involvement in the postgraduate TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) Diploma predisposes it to reflective practice. This study at the CLL investigated the ways in which EFL learners (n=26) processed and retrieved SE periphrastic verbs in the communicative language classroom where, based on an understanding of SLA (second language acquisition) as a complex (Larsen-Freeman, 1991) and dynamic system (De Bot, Wander and Verspoor, 2007), errors signal language development. Using a grounded action research methodology (Wi?niewska, 2011), formal and informal written assessments were examined. Results showed that learners do not conceptualize periphrastic verb forms as single forms set to be mapped onto functions but, instead, they systematically process how these are to be compiled. This challenged mainstream resources, which appeared to be uninformed by learner language and existing theoretical constructs on interlanguage development, which prioritize form-function mapping and deny that the stage prior to this is systematic. In 2012 these findings inspired the development and application of a pedagogical scheme that reaped results superior to those recorded when mainstream resources were relied upon for teaching and testing.
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    List of Conference Papers and Presentations
    (2015-07-15) UWI Regional Conference on Institutionalising Best Practice in Higher Education
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    Conference booklet
    (2015-07-15) UWI Regional Conference on Institutionalising Best Practice in Higher Education
    This booklet contains welcome message from Conference officials; the conference programme; profiles of feature and keynote speakers, and panellists; and abstracts of papers and panels.
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    Developing citizenship and employability skills for the twenty-first century [PowerPoint]
    (2015-07-15) Kumar, Catherine
    This presentation explores the following topics: 1) The UWI Strategic Plan - SWOT; 2) The Ideal Graduate; 3) The Motivation Challenges; 4) Focus on the Real Starting Point; 5) Questions to Ponder; and 6) Three Solutions Offered.
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    Meeting student needs through the Open Campus: Opportunities and possibilities [PowerPoint]
    (2015-07-15) Severin, Francis O.
    This presentation examines the following topics: 1) The Needs - critical thinking, employability, civic responsibility/political astuteness, gender equity, ethical behaviour; 2) Avoiding the tragedy of the pedagogy of the oppressed; 3) Online versus face-to-face/in-class; 4) Retaining students in the online environment; and 5) Some hope: The DFATD-SDEC Project in the Open Campus - investing in employability skills of the Caribbean with sensitivity to gender.
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    Meeting the needs of our students: Developing engaged and employable citizens [PowerPoint]
    (2015-07-15) Reddock, Rhoda
    This presentation explores the following: 1) the role of education in our developing and global contexts, 2) the rise of credentialism in higher education, 3) student development as an investment in the future of the Caribbean and financial stability of the institution, 4) the role of student services in student development, and 5) challenges.
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    The needs and wants of the contemporary student: Best practice in the 21st century: Perspectives of the future CARICOM citizen [PowerPoint]
    (2015-07-15) Parris, Damani
    This presentation focuses on: 1) student perceptions of the job market and the reason for pursuing a degree; 2) student perceptions on internships in degrees; 3) student services in the 21st century; 4) the in-classroom work demand and the results in shaping a citizen; 5) out-of-classroom learning experiences; 6) competing with the rest of the world; and 7) cultural differences and students.
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    Programme accreditation: Medicine and dentistry [PowerPoint]
    (2015-07-15) Rafeek, Reisha
    This presentation discusses the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP), and explores accreditation of medicine and dental programmes in the Faculty of Medical Sciences of The University of the West Indies (UWI), St. Augustine, with respect to: (a) accreditation standards, and (b) best practice in higher education.
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    Best practice in higher education: The experience of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering [PowerPoint]
    (2015-07-15) Gift, Stephan
    This presentation briefly discusses each of the categories under which the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering at The University of the West Indies (UWI), St. Augustine was recently accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), namely: 1) Aims and objectives; 2) Outcomes from last IET visit; 3) Programme; 4) Admission, progression and award; 5) Projects; 6) Staffing; 7) Resources and facilities; and 8) Quality assurance.
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    Best practices in ACTT accredited institutions [PowerPoint]
    (2015-07-15) Bradshaw, Michael
    This presentation provides a synopsis of how institutions accredited by the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago (ACTT) demonstrate tertiary level education best practice principles as part of, and as a result of, achieving accredited status. It attempts to examine how institutions, after achieving the status, engage in institutional development with regard to developing a rigorous Quality Management System, in order to improve mechanisms for governance and administration, programme development, teaching and learning strategies, student support, and resource management.
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    Internal influential factors affecting accreditation processes in small universities: A conceptual framework based on the case of Curaçao
    (2015-07-15) Isabella, Sharine A.
    The University of Curaçao (UoC) is a relatively small Dutch-Caribbean university located in the SIDS region. The university started its accreditation processes about a decade ago. After years of thorough preparation, UoC succeeded in its first attempt to obtain accredited status for all the submitted programmes. As of 2009, I performed a comparative analysis, based partly on participative observation, which resulted in a PhD dissertation (Isabella, 2014). This paper presents part of the results of this study, aiming to identify the internal influential factors (enablers and barriers) affecting the progress and outcomes of accreditation processes. In this paper, following on the empirical findings, I present the conceptualized heuristic framework consisting of internal influential factors affecting the progress and outcomes of accreditation processes. This framework can generically be used by small universities, in particular those located in less developed global regions. It may be used not only as a descriptive and prescriptive instrument, but also as an analytical tool for the design, implementation, and monitoring of accreditation processes. As such, it facilitates progress and hence makes the achievement of a successful result more feasible. The UoC case study is presented to illustrate how it has managed the great challenges (internal influential factors) encountered during its accreditation processes in order to obtain positive accreditation results. The two key components that the study has shown to be critical for a positive outcome are detailed, i.e., dedicated efforts at the institutional level and high commitment at faculty level.
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    Continuous curriculum development: An approach for quality curriculum development in the Caribbean
    (2015-07-15) Chisholm, Mervin E.
    This is a case study of a curriculum reform and development project in the Anglophone Caribbean. The presentation reports on an ongoing project. Four phases of the curriculum reform process are identified, and these are important for the institutionalising of best practices. These are the situational analysis, visioning, curriculum development and alignment, and coordination and redevelopment. An important concern of the project was to create space for the Caribbean concerns to be heard and to deal meaningfully with approaches to the development of the ideal Caribbean person/worker. Some important practical approaches to the process of continuous curriculum development are highlighted, including time, data collection, and ongoing quality assurance checks.
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    A critical look at key components of The University of the West Indies quality assurance system [Panel]
    (2015-07-15) Dottin, Pamela; Gift, Sandra; Perkins, Anna Kasafi; Thompson, Kay
    Using the Framework for Analysis of Practices in Higher Education (FAPHE) proffered by Harvey (2012), this panel critically assesses components of The University of the West Indies (UWI) academic Quality Management System (QMS), as implemented by the Quality Assurance Unit (QAU). These components are: i) the integration of institutional research data in the self-assessment process; (ii) review team selection; (iii) quality assurance of distance and online education; and (iv) work based/experiential learning. Harvey's key principles for establishing the presence of best practices-efficiency in the use of resources, being well-documented, engagement of key stakeholders, and undertaking monitoring and evaluation-is the framework for the assessment. These principles address the administrative and management concerns of policy, leadership, human resource development, and monitoring and evaluation, which have been identified elsewhere as important in developing quality in higher education. In examining these features critically, evidence is identified for the presence of best practice or gaps that need to be closed for the system to produce superior results. A mixed methodological approach is utilized; it involves undertaking a desk study of quality assurance review team reports from the various UWI campuses completed within the last five years, post-review evaluation instruments completed by review team members and heads of departments, as well as policy, and strategic planning documentation of the university and the Quality Assurance Unit. For the integration of institutional research data, a comparative review is undertaken against QA systems used in two other higher education institutions. Reference is also made to the literature on best practice.
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    Institutional research as a best practice in driving evidence based decision making: A review of the operations of the Campus Office of Planning and Institutional Research at The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus
    (2015-07-15) Singh, Reanti; Berkley, Melissa; Bhatt, Ashish
    This reflective study seeks to examine the extent to which data-driven assessment, undertaken through institutional research, has been strengthened to guide decision making at the St. Augustine Campus of The University of the West Indies (UWI). This was identified as an evident weakness of the Campus in the Institutional Accreditation Review of 2011. Special attention is given to the role of the Campus Office of Planning and Institutional Research (COPIR) in not only leading the effort of Institutional Research, supported by a Business Intelligence (BI) system, but also in providing the empirical data to measure institutional performance and assessment. The study draws on some specific projects that were undertaken by COPIR to provide evidence of particular findings and emerging trends in student and graduate enrolment, progression, and attrition, as well as feedback gathered from institutional surveys. The data generated have served to inform campus management decision making, and support the development of policy, practice, and process more strategically. In an environment where higher education is continuously evolving and where institutions are being held more accountable, institutional research will play an increasingly more important role in responding to the needs of its various stakeholders. It is therefore imperative that COPIR strive to strengthen its capacity to provide evidence-based information to improve the rigours of an information management system, whilst drawing on the comparative work of peer institutions and keeping abreast of disciplinary best practices.
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    Quality assurance in teacher education through insider evalutation and stakeholder involvement: A case for programme renewal
    (2015-07-15) Yamin-Ali, Jennifer; Herbert, Susan; James, Freddy; Ali, Shahiba; Augustin, Desiree; Philip, Sharon; Rampersad, Joycelyn
    This paper presents a description of a teacher education programme evaluation that was initiated, planned, and executed in an attempt to enhance the quality of the programme's content, delivery, and impact. The evaluation was conducted within the framework of academic research, and comprised reports on the perspectives of major stakeholders' (principals, heads of departments, deans, and teachers) on whether the Diploma in Education (Dip.Ed.) programme (2004-2009) had met their expectations; and on the benefits and limitations of the programme and the impact of the programme on teachers' practice. In addition to those stakeholders, data were collected from officials of the Ministry of Education, who are categorized as the client of the School of Education, who is the provider. Subsequent to the preliminary enquiry into those stakeholder perspectives, a more probing approach was applied to the perspectives of heads of departments, SOE staff, and Ministry officials. The final phase of the evaluation involved observation of teachers' classroom teaching and interviews with the top and middle management of those schools. The evaluation was guided by Guskey's (2002) theoretical and conceptual model of evaluating the impact of CPD on teachers' practice, and by the fourth generation evaluation model of Guba and Lincoln (1989). The sample for each phase was either stratified random or purposive. This research is significant in that it focuses on the role of the stakeholder in determining effective practice in teacher education. It also highlights the process of rigorous programme evaluation and renewal through staff engagement.
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    Rules of engagement: Improving teaching through online faculty development training
    (2015-07-15) Gilzene-Cheese, Florence; Fleming-Banks, Phyllis; Drakes, Claudia; Gilzene, Sharon
    Resourcing education is a challenge for tertiary institutions. In the Caribbean, some governments have reduced funding at this level. Institutions like The University of the West Indies (UWI) Open Campus, which offer distance education, have been exploring innovative and creative ways for contracting staff and improving engagement to meet these changing realities. The examination of the impact of training on online facilitators yields useful data for higher education institutions. The Open Campus employs only adjunct facilitators who are usually experts in their disciplines and have industry experience but, generally, are employed per semester (or as needed) and are not teacher-trained or prepared to deliver in the online environment. Curriculum training to understand how the course is aligned to the delivery strategies therefore assumes critical importance. This paper examines one faculty development pathway used in the Open Campus for preparatory training, by identifying the critical competencies for online teaching success and the impact of these on online facilitators. The perspectives of forty-six (46) new facilitators on the value of the training process, and the competencies and best practices gained from the engagement are reviewed. Data from an impact survey were validated through focus group interviews and periods of close observation. Themes emerging from the data include: access and motivation, socialization to the online environment; and knowledge construction and efficacy. These were also validated and refined through focus group interactions. Key findings are presented using an embedded mixed methods approach with supporting data from qualitative and quantitative paradigms. These data-sets are supported by relevant research literature. The findings suggest that structured training pathways for adjunct faculty yield positive results. Participants' perspectives indicate viable strategies and suggestions for successful practices in teaching and learning in higher education.
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    Academic excellence in the post MOOC era: Lessons learned on technology best practice [PowerPoint]
    (2015-07-15) Kim, Paul
    The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) revolution has introduced numerous implications for all. It helped legitimize the efficacy of online education and created a new paradigm of learning analytics based on deep learning. This presentation shares insights on emerging education technology solutions, increasingly relevant 21st century competencies, and resilient challenges in higher education, along with lessons learned from an active mobile learning project focused on inquiry-based learning and critical thinking skill development.
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    Student Entrepreneurial Empowerment Development (SEED) Project [PowerPoint]
    (2015-07-15) Young Marshall, Ayanna
    SEED is a motivational entrepreneurship development programme and co-curricular course that fosters self-reliance, innovation, and entrepreneurship among students. SEED's ultimate goal is to expand employment choices so that instead of having to rely on jobs in the private and public sectors, graduates will start their own businesses. SEED uses non-conventional teaching methods, mentorship, and a business plan competition as part of its innovative approach. This presentation provides context, a description of SEED objectives, components, primary activities, constraints, opportunities, impact, and build out. Some concluding observations are included.
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    Community Service Learning Project, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine [PowerPoint]
    (2015-07-15) Romeo-Joseph, Juliet
    This presentation defines "Community Service Learning" (CSL), identifies the best practice principles for higher education that relate to teaching and learning, and examines how CSL relates to the development of the student from a pedagogical standpoint and satisfies the mandate of The University of the West Indies (UWI) and its impact on the nation/region. It then presents a case study of the Community Service Learning Project, showing how it has been incorporated into the B.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering programme, and identifies the overall project goals, logistics, outcomes, lessons learned, and future plans.
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    Service staff training, development and certification programmes at the UWI Mona Campus [PowerPoint]
    (2015-07-15) Eytle, Raymond
    This presentation describes the development and implementation of a project to develop a cadre of service staff at the Mona Campus of The University of the West Indies (UWI) with the competence to provide excellent support to the UWI transformation process. The project partnered with HEART Trust/NTA to (a) adminster diagnostic tests to identify gaps with respect to literacy, numeracy, data operations, and artisanal skills to determine the appropriate interventions; (b) provide remediation programmes in numeracy and literacy to those employees who need this assistance to successfully complete the programme; and (c) train, evaluate, and certify staff who have demonstrated the required competencies in the various occupational areas with the National Vocational Qualifications of Jamaica (NVQ-J) at Level 1.