Meeting student needs through the Open Campus: Opportunities and possibilities [PowerPoint]
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This presentation examines the following topics: 1) The Needs - critical thinking, employability, civic responsibility/political astuteness, gender equity, ethical behaviour; 2) Avoiding the tragedy of the pedagogy of the oppressed; 3) Online versus face-to-face/in-class; 4) Retaining students in the online environment; and 5) Some hope: The DFATD-SDEC Project in the Open Campus - investing in employability skills of the Caribbean with sensitivity to gender.
Contribution to the Panel on Meeting the Needs of Our Students: Developing Citizenship and Employability for the Twenty-First Century at the Regional Conference on Institutionalising Best Practice in Higher Education, UWI, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, 24-26 June, 2015.
Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, UWI; Quality Assurance Unit, UWI
Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, UWI; Quality Assurance Unit, UWI
Table of Contents
University students, Higher education, Student needs, Student services, Student university relationship, Open Campus, UWI