1997 January-June CR
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Item Caribbean Report 09-01-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-01-09) Gordon, Warren (anchor); Jenkins, Gareth (interviewee); Edoo, Claire (correspondent); Grant, Jennifer (correspondent); Kofi, Tetteh (interviewee); Bascombe, Peter (interviewee); Bullimore, Tony (interviewee); Bullimore, Lillian (interviewee); The British Broadcasting CorporationThis segment reports that in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince today one man was injured during a demonstration against the privatization of state companies. The demonstration came as supporters of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide moved closer to the formation of a political party in preparation of a possible return of Mr. Aristide. Segment three states that the Director General of the St. Lucian based Organisation of the Eastern Caribbean States has suggested that the subregional leaders should hand the mandate for political unity to his Secretariat. Head of the OECS Secretariat, Swinburne Lestrade says that this move is imperative if the Eastern Caribbean is to successfully face the challenges of globalisation. This segment gives the events surrounding the collapse of Jamaica Century National financial entities continues to unfold, their former Chief Executive has paid back almost a US quarter million. The event and its repercussions are outlined. Segment 5 deals with elections in Britain and black voter apartheid which is described in the Murray’s polls, the New Nation polls and a report by Tory MP, Petra Bascombe. The final segment states that world yachtsman Tony Bullimore is stranded for four days in the Southern Ocean. The Bullimore’s experience is described.Item Caribbean Report 15-05-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1996-05-15) Richards, Ken (anchor); Bruce, Ian (correspondent); Bird, Lester (interviewee); Niles, Bertram (anchor); Mitchell, Keith (interviewee); The British Broadcasting CorporationItem Caribbean Report 30-05-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-05-30) Orr, Carol (anchor); Gibb, Tom (correspondent); Veniere, Patrick (correspondent); Smith, Colin (correspondent); Deen, Daryll (correspondent; The British Broadcasting CorporationThe Cuban government is mounting a campaign to denounce measures being discussed by the United States Congress aimed at tightening the embargo. Head of the Cuban Parliament Ricardo Alarcon has accused the United States of waging a campaign of economic war against Cuba. However, the United States Department Expert on Cuba says the accusations are not justified. The Prime Minister of Jamaica on his recent visit to Cuba called for the normalisation of relations between all countries of the hemisphere. He is pressing for Cuba’s full inclusion in the business of the Americas. Next, British Minister of International Development, George Foulkes says he does not think it is in the long term interest of the Caribbean Development Bank or regional states to change the CDB Charter to cater for Taiwan’s membership. Grenada Prime Minister, Keith Mitchell wants an amendment of the Charter but denies membership to countries which are not members of the United Nations. Next, today was the final day of campaigning in the French parliamentary elections. Frances’ Overseas Department have representatives in the parliament to be elected by voters in French Guiana. Next, five candidates from Canada’s Caribbean community are contesting Canada’s general elections on Monday. The incumbent Liberal Party is ahead in public opinion polls. Next, the Election Commission in Guyana says it intends using freshly received UNDP funds in a continued bid to ensure free and fair elections. Next, Jamaican authorities say police investigation is being launched as life is being returned to normal in the western Jamaican town of Savanna-la-Mar. Angry residents there riotted yesterday. Finally, in Washington the House of Representatives is scheduled to vote next week on amendments designed to bolster the Helms-Burton law which last year tightened the US embargo against Cuba.Item Caribbean Report 29-05-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-05-29) Orr, Carol (anchor); Maraj, Ralph (interviewee); Douglas, Denzil (interviewee); Ninvalle, Pete (correspondent); Laurent, Edwin (interviewee); Foulkes, George (interviewee); Alfonso, Miguel (interviewee); The British Broadcasting CorporationTrinidad and Tobago's conflict with Venezuela over mutual fishing territories is to be presented at the OAS General Assembly being held in Peru next week. Next, diversification appears to be the main focus for leaders gathered in St. Kitts today for the annual OECS Summit. Only by seeking alternatives to the banana industry can the sub-region achieve economic security, that was the message of the host Prime Minister, Denzil Douglas of St. Kitts and Nevis. He also called for Caricom to use the OECS single currency as the example to follow if it was serious about a single market and economy. At a luncheon for the St. Lucia’s Chamber of Commerce, Edwin Laurent, OECS Ambassador to the European Community said that Caribbean countries have been called on to make the protection of the region’s banana industry a fundamental point of their foreign policy. He also stressed the point to diversify banana dependent economies to reduce reliance on the crop for income and employment. Next, in Jamaica police have been out in force in the normally quiet south western town of Savanna-la-Mar. Hundreds have converged on the streets to protest the police shootings. Next, a British Foreign Office Minister is to travel to Montserrat within the next few weeks to begin work on a new policy for the island following its two year crisis caused by the active volcano. Next, Cuba’s Foreign Ministry’s spokesman says that relations between Cuba and Jamaica are strongly based and would continue to improve. He says the recent visit by Prime Minister P.J. Patterson underscores the strengthening of Jamaica/Cuba relations. Finally, in Britain Home Secretary Jack Straw may reopen the case of murdered black teenager Stephen Lawrence who was killed in an unprovoked racist attack.Item Caribbean Report 28-05-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-05-28) Richards, Ken (anchor); Anthony, Kenny (interviewee); Gajadar, Rupert (interviewee); Marville, Orlando (interviewee); Short, Clare (interviewee); Mieres, Claude (interviewee); Howard, Michael (interviewee); Chakrabarti, Rita (correspondent); Cohen, Tommy (interviewee); Blackwell, Chris (interviewee); The British Broadcasting CorporationPrime Minister Kenny Anthony has said that the banana situation in St. Lucia will be a major priority for the new Labour administration. He is, also, defending his government’s decision to undertake an emergency audit of state revenue. Next, in New York today Caricom and UN officials resume cooperation talks, the central trust being how to join to fight the trafficking of drugs. Yesterday the meeting focused on the signing of an agreement to improve cooperation between the Secretariat in Georgetown and the United Nations. Next, United States President Bill Clinton and European leaders meeting in the Dutch capital have pledged continue US backing for Europe in the next century. On the agenda were trade deals including measures to combat customs fraud and the smuggling of chemical use in the manufacture of illegal drugs, resolving differences on a long awaited agreement to co-ordinate trade standards. There were also outstanding matters on a number of issues including attempts by Washington to block trade with Cuba. Next, in Britain the Secretary of State for International Development says she is in search of an optimistic model to help eradicate poverty. In the case of the Caribbean she says that Britain remains acutely aware that treats to the region’s banana industry could lead to a serious social and economic crisis. Still in Britain, under the primary purpose rule people wanting to marry British citizens have to prove that their main aim is not to simply settle in Britain, however, this rule is being reviewed. Finally, founder and producer of Jamaica’s Reggae Sunsplash has died.Item Caribbean Report 27-05-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-05-27) Orr, Carol (anchor); Daly, Dennis (interviewee); Annan, Kofi (interviewee); Carrington, Edwin (interviewee); Ramphal, Shridath (interviewee); Panday, Basdeo (interviewee); Fraser, Tony (correspondent); Lewis, Mel (interviewee); Lewis, Vaughn (interviewee); The British Broadcasting CorporationIn Jamaica two death row prisoners who are due to hang today are now taking their appeal to the Privy Council in London. Execution warrants were issued to them. Next, Caricom and the United Nations today signed a cooperation agreement. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan says that agreement represents his organisation’s commitment to translate intentions into deeds. Next, for over a decade free trade has been the buzz phrase for government leaders across the globe. The gates which divide Europe are being squeezed open in a trust toward a single currency. US President Bill Clinton is pushing for an end to trade barriers by the year 2002 to create the Free Trade of the Americas. Next, Trinidadian Prime Minister Basdeo Panday says that he would prefer a negotiated settlement with Venezuela over the fishing dispute rather than taking that mater to the Organisation of American States as stated by Foreign Affairs Minister Ralph Maraj over the latest dispute last week in which Trinidadian fishermen were arrested and threatened by the Venezuelan National Guard. Next, Venezuela’s fight against cholera has been one of the topics dominating a Caribbean Conference on the Spread of Diseases this week. Some twenty one medical representatives from CAREC’s twenty one member countries are gathering this week to examine the problem of emerging and re-emerging diseases. Finally, the former Prime Minister of St Lucia has scorned suggestions from a new Labour Party government that it will undertake an urgent audit of state revenue. It suspects high levels of spending on the United Workers Party campaign in the period just before the elections. He said that the United Workers Party was reduced to one seat in the seventeen member national assembly and the new voters list may have contained more voters than there actually were.Item Caribbean Report 26-05-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-05-26) Richards, Ken (anchor); Clinton, Bill (interviewee); Panday, Basdeo (interviewee); Mitchell, James (interviewee); Kinnock, Glenys (interviewee); Wynn, Terry (interviewee); Jessop, David (interviewee); Myers, Gordon (interviewee); Gibbons, Jim (correspondent); Laurent, Edwin (interviewee); Duflo, Dennis (interviewee); The British Broadcasting CorporationA banana official from Guadeloupe comments on the importance of banana production to the country. However, these were the echoes across the islands when a fact finding mission of European MPs visited the Eastern Caribbean earlier this month. The Euro MPs meetings were fruitful as they were able to hear from the banana growers themselves who identified their problems. The mission coincided with the Barbados Summit between President Bill Clinton and Caricom Heads of Government. The matter of a WTO ruling against the EU’s banana import regime prompted by US featured at the Summit. However, President Bill Clinton did not give Caribbean leaders much hope over their banana concerns. President Clinton said that in pursuing the winning of our case at the World Trade Organisation our target was a discriminatory European system not the Caribbean nations. Trinidad and Tobago and St Vincent’s Prime Ministers commented on President Clinton’s speech. The EU would make an appeal against the WTO ruling. Next, Executive Director of the European Council for Europe, David Jessop and Gordon Myers, the European Representative of the Caribbean Bananas Exporters Association are interviewed on the banana issue with the World Trade Organisation. Next, in a debate in Strasburg, the Commissioner Franz Fischler says the Commission wants to investigate the implication of an appeal to the WTO ruling before taking further action. Finally, OECS Ambassador Edwin Laurent has the last word on ACP cooperation and the Caribbean stand on bananas.Item Caribbean Report 23-05-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-05-23) Orr, Carol (anchor); Ninvalle, Pete (correspondent); Phillips, Daphane (interviewee); Fraser, Tony (correspondent); Kinnaird, Charles (interviewee); Smith, Clifford (correspondent); Skerritt, Eugene (interviewee); Goffe, Leslie (correspondent); The British Broadcasting CorporationVoters have been turning out in large numbers today for St Lucia’s general election inspite of intermittent rain. Prime Minister Vaughn Lewis is seeking re-election alongside an unprecedented forty candidates including seven independents. Next, in Trinidad and Tobago the Ministry of Culture has been accused of discrimination against Indian cultural activity. The Minister, however, has denied such allegations. Next, Trinidad and Tobago has asked Guyana to waive its promised import of twenty-four thousand tons of rice sparking a possibility of a renewed trade row under a Caricom agreement signed by regional states. Next, the European Commission is considering again its tactics for when and how to launch its appeal at the World Trade Organisation against a panel ruling in favour of US complaints against the EU regime. Next, tens of millions of dollars leave the United States each year headed for the Caribbean via a money transfer company like Western Union but sending money home is going to become more difficult in the future because of new US government restrictions designed at clamping down on drug money launderers. Next, the Supreme Court in Florida has suspended executions by the electric chair until September to consider whether its use violates inmate’s rights. Its ruling have provided breathing space for Trinidad born death row inmate Krishna Maharaj whose legal team is seeking British state funds for is appeal. Next, Radio Antilles suspends its operations in a week’s time. Staff at the Montserrat based station have been able to keep broadcasting going despite two years of life in the shadow of an active volcano.Item Caribbean Report 22-05-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-05-22) Orr, Carol (anchor); Ninvalle, Pete (correspondent); Barrow-Charles, Cynthia (interviewee); Fraser, Tony (correspondent); Jessop, David (interviewee); White, James (correspondent); LeBlanc, Barbara (interviewee); Bishop, Ian (interviewee); Lara, Brian (interviewee); Goffe, Leslie (correspondent); Gordon, Warren (correspondent); The British Broadcasting CorporationThere is an air of quiet expectancy throughout St. Lucia on the eve of the general elections. With an unprecedented forty one candidates seeking elections including seven independents and four women. It is the country’s most historic political campaign. Bananas, tourism and the economy dominated the campaign debates, however, the question being asked is if the youth vote would play a significant role in the outcome of the elections. Next, there has been more trouble in the Gulf of Paria between Trinidad and Tobago fishermen and the Venezuelan National Guard. However, the Foreign Minister says he is taking the latest incident to the Organisation of American States for resolution. Next, a representative of the European Commission has told the Committee of the European Parliament that it wishes to make an appeal at the World Trade Organisation. However, this has created some confusion because it was interpreted as a Commission’s decision to appeal against the WTO panel ruling against the European banana import regime. Next, the threat posed by Montserrat Soufriere Hills continues to play a dominant role in that island’s economic performance. The Caribbean Development Bank in its 1996 Annual Report says that the volcanic activity caused major disruption to the islands economy last year. Next, a Committee of the US House of Representative has passed a bill which could lead to a referendum in Puerto Rico on its future links with Washington. The bill if passed would authorize voting next year, the centenary of the United States seizure of the territory from Spain. It would also offer Puerto Rico the choice of becoming the 51st US state or continue in its present Commonwealth status. Next, the US Congress sharply cut back the federal benefits available to legal immigrants last year. The assumption was that such immigrants cost the government more than they paid in taxes but the opposite is true according to a new report by the Government Finance National Academy of Sciences. Finally, the new expanded format of West Indian Cricket Competition has proven to be difficult going for the West Indies Cricket Board.Item Caribbean Report 21-05-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-05-21) Richards, Ken (anchor); Grant, Jennifer (correspondent); Panday, Basdeo (interviewee); Fraser, Tony (correspondent); Caroit, Jean-Michel (correspondent); Myers, Gordon (interviewee); Thompson, Julia (correspondent); Maitland, Tim (correspondent); The British Broadcasting CorporationThe election campaign in St. Lucia has been an intense and costly affair with forty one candidates seeking the attention of the electorate. However, the main election issue that has dominated the election campaign is the state of the national economy and which political party is best capable of leading St. Lucia into the 21st century. Next, in Jamaica the much anticipated general elections have been dominating the headlines. Questions are being raised about whether international observers will be invited and whether the police force is ready. Next, in the Dominican Republic the President has sacked two of is leading law enforcement officials – the chief of police and head of the country’s drug enforcement agency. The government has been dogged by growing violence and social unrest caused by economic problems and an increase of the number of deportations from the United States. Next, the Caribbean Development Bank has announced that mainland China is to be admitted as a CDB member. The Board of Governors has accepted China’s application during the Bank’s annual meeting in Toronto, Canada. However, Grenada’s Prime Minister, Dr Keith Mitchell said he was disappointed with membership to the Bank for Taiwan was not tabled nor actively considered. Also, China and the Bahamas are said to be holding talks to establish diplomatic ties after relations with Taiwan and the island were severed this week. Next, the World Trade Organisation has a responsibility to cater for the vulnerability of small countries like the Caribbean banana producing countries even though it is essentially an organisation based on free trade according to the European representative of the Caribbean Banana Exporters Association. Next, a study of ethnic minority groups in Britain says they are no longer disadvantaged. According to the report some minority groups are doing just as well economically as their white counterparts. The independent Policy Studies Institute puts Indians in the Caribbean in the middle range in relation to the financial success. Next, the Jamaican Badminton Team suffered their second defeat at the World Mixed Badminton Championship, the Sudirman Cup in Glasgow, Scotland.Item Caribbean Report 20-05-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-05-20) Orr, Carol (anchor); Ward, Claire (interviewee); Sudama, Trevor (interviewee); Timothy, Julius (interviewee); Colorado, Antonio (interviewee); Cameron, James (correspondent); McKay, Michael (correspondent); The British Broadcasting CorporationThe British Labour Party has dismissed suggestions of interference in St. Lucia’s upcoming general elections. The rejection comes just days after a United Kingdom MP stood on a platform endorsing the St. Lucia Opposition Labour Party. Claire Ward, British Labour MP defends her role in the St. Lucia general elections and the question of a breach of political protocol is looked into. Next, China/Taiwan battle for membership of the Caribbean Development Bank has moved to Canada where the CDB is holding its twenty seventh annual meeting. Next, the Caribbean/Latin American Action Organisation in Washington expects the move towards a free trade area of the Americas to pick up momentum despite anticipated setbacks. Next, in Britain a man convicted on the basis of information given by a Yardie informant is awaiting deportation to Jamaica after a court today quashed his ten year conviction for robbery. Finally, a report in Britain looks at racist behaviour at football grounds as more than 70% of fans would support a long term battle on the culprits. In what has been described as the most widespread examination of racism in professional football investigation conducted in the multicultural community of Sheffield calls for stronger action to attract more black people to the game.Item Caribbean Report 19-05-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-05-19) Richards, Ken (anchor); Ward, Claire (interviewee); Ninvalle, Pete (correspondent); Aristide, Max (interviewee); Ransome, Debbie (correspondent); Mitchell, James (interviewee); Coates, Barry (interviewee); Selby, Peter (interviewee); Joseph, Emma (correspondent); The British Broadcasting CorporationA British Labour MP has joined St. Lucia’s Opposition Labour Party in its campaign ahead of this Friday’s general election. The move is causing widespread concern that Britain is officially endorsing St. Lucia’s main opposition party. Next, there is growing unrest in Haiti and there is no question that the unrest is linked to President Rene Preval’s close adherence to IMF policies. Next, Taiwan has announced that it has closed diplomatic ties with the Bahamas after the island announced that it plans to pursue relations with China. This leaves eight Caribbean countries which still have formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan. The decision of the Bahamas brings the Caribbean region more closely into the battle of the sovereignty between China and Taiwan. Taiwan refuses to talk to anyone who talks with Beijing. The battle over loyalty between Taiwan and China is clearly being fought in the Caribbean Sea. China is expected to be a major topic for discussion at the annual Caribbean Development Bank meeting this year. Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines is expected to attend. More than a week after the meeting in Barbados between President Clinton and the region’s leaders Sir James Mitchell concedes that on behalf of the Caribbean little was gained. He believes that they made little progress on the banana question. Next, in Britain the government’s declaration of concern for international development and aid has been welcomed by a number of campaigns for the world’s poor. However, some of the organisations believe a new Labour administration should go ever further on overseas aid and development than it intends to. Next, Britain’s telephone standard watchdog is expressing concern about the increase in sex call services and its possible effect on vulnerable groups such as children. It has also singled out Guyana with international code 592 as the main route for sex calls. Finally, in Barbados this month local people have begun celebrating the culture of a lesser known group of settlers who have been in the West Indies for generations. It is the annual festival for the Celts of Ireland, Scotland and Wales.Item Caribbean Report 16-05-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-05-16) Gordon, Warren (anchor); Norton, Michael (correspondent); Wilson, Basil (interviewee); Esler, Garvin (interviewee); Bolton, Andrew (interviewee); Gibb, Tom (correspondent); The British Broadcasting CorporationThere were further demonstrations in Haiti today which resulted in damage to property and vehicles. What began earlier this month as a strike by teachers soon escalated into protest against the government of Rene Preval. Next, Jamaica’s Constitutional Court rules against legalising the use of marijuana on religious grounds. The challenge to the substance as an illegal drug was brought by Dennis Forsythe. Next, the San Jose Mercy newspaper in the United States has had to back down on its claim of CIA involvement in spreading crack cocaine among urban blacks in Los Angeles. The claim led to heated protest by black politicians. President Clinton today tried to make amends for the Tuskegee experiment by apologising to the African American men involved. Next, the Cuban government says plans by anti-Castro exiles in Miami to stage a protest off the coast of Cuba constitute provocative action. The Cuban exiles hostile to the Castro government were today setting off by boat and plane from Florida to stage their protest on Saturday within sight of the Cuban coast. Also, regulating the participation of locals in the tourism industry has become a priority for the Cuban government. The authorities have brought out a new law governing the renting of private homes to tourist. Finally, after presenting his credentials as Bahamas Ambassador to Japan, Oscar Winning Actor, Sir Sidney Poitier is due to take up his official posting in the Bahamas as Nassau is not planning to set up an embassy in Tokyo.Item Caribbean Report 14-05-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-05-14) Ransome, Debbie (anchor); Douglas, Rosie (interviewee); Myers, Gordon (interviewee); Grant, Bernie (interviewee); Rodriguez Aguilar, Oscar; The British Broadcasting CorporationDominica’s Opposition Leader has made an outspoken attack on Caribbean Community leaders for what he says was their failure to sufficiently press the banana issue during the weekend Summit meeting with President Clinton. As a result of this outspoken attack, the question what benefits were derived from the Summit and where does the region go from here are addressed as well as the Windward Islands politicians disappointment on the banana issue. Still on the banana issue, the European Union has said it has good grounds to appeal a decision by the World Trade Organisation opposing Europe’s banana regime. Also a flurry of letters to newspaper editors appear in today’s British press following coverage in London of last week’s visit to the Caribbean banana producing countries by European MPs. Next, trade ministers from thirty four states in the hemisphere are meeting in Brazil to prepare for the second Summit of the Americas. American and Brazilian officials question the paste of negotiation to remove trade barriers. Trade groups are questioning of what interest is this to the Caribbean Community. Also, is it time for the Caribbean to be literary ganging up on Washington and mainland South America to get what it wants? Next, the new British government has been setting out its programmes in the first Queen’s Speech to be written by a Labour administration in eighteen years. The speech which is drafted by the prime minister outlines the objectives for the new parliament. There were predictions that the new bill outlawing racial harassment and racially motivated violence would be in those bills. Finally, Trinidad and Tobago and Britain have initiated an agreement to allow increase cooperation to fight drugs. Trinidad and Tobago’s Attorney General said the agreement is similar to the shiprider agreement with the United States which was signed in Port of Spain last year.Item Caribbean Report 13-05-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-05-13) Gordon, Warren (anchor); Grant, Jennifer (correspondent); Smith, Colin (correspondent); James, David (interviewee); Ninvalle, Pete (correspondent); O'Brien, Michael (interviewee); Abbott, Diane (interviewee); Grant, Bernie (interviewee); The British Broadcasting CorporationPresident Clinton’s bid to seek improvements to the Caribbean Basin Initiative, a United States trade programme which began thirteen years ago has been dismissed as a sideline by one European trade expert. Issues of bilateral, regional and hemispheric concerns will be on the agenda when the Jamaican Prime Minister visits Cuba at the end of this month. The visit was announced following the weekend US Caricom Summit in Barbados. The Prime Ministers of Barbados and St Vincent also intend to visit Cuba. China and Cuba have signed agreements on trade and tourism at the end of a visit to Havana by the Chinese Deputy Prime Minister. Next, Guyana is host to a conference of indigenous people of the Amazon Basin. It is another conference of the Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organisations of the Amazon (COICA). Scores of Amerindian representatives from nine South American countries would spend the rest of the week discussing issues they say threaten their very survival. Next, in St Lucia nominations close today ahead of general elections. This election campaign has exceeded previous ones in several ways. It has been the longest, dirtiest, most intense campaign the island has ever seen and the one with the greatest potential for violence in recent memory. Next, Britain’s new Labour government plans for next year will be outlined in the traditional Queen’s speech at Westminster. Black political leaders are expecting an announcement on new laws to combat racialism. Finally, staff from a British University have launched a campaign to prevent an honorary degree being awarded to a former England Coach Manager. He has been accused of making controversial comments regarding race.Item Caribbean Report 12-05-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-05-12) Gordon, Warren (anchor); Clinton, Bill (interviewee); Richards, Ken (correspondent); Goffe, Leslie (correspondent); Thompson, Julia (correspondent); Smith, Colin (correspondent); Cartner, Holly (interviewee); O'Brien, Michael (interviewee); The British Broadcasting CorporationThe United States President has promised Caribbean Heads of Government that he will seek swift congressional approval of a Caribbean Basin Trade Enhancement Act. It is widely accepted in the Caribbean that President Clinton’s visit was a historic one, however, the views from the United States is much less flattering. The American Times found the conference in the Caribbean comical. Next, the United States President and the Caribbean leaders signed an agreement to cooperate in fighting the drug trade. The London Guardian reports that while the United States is keeping a close eye on drug trafficking in the bigger Caribbean Islands, South American cocaine barons have increasing influence in the region’s smaller states. Next Guyana’s Elections Commission has been considering the adoption of a code of conduct and stricter regulation of the parties hoping to contest the election. Also, Guyana’s Parliament has approved the controversial change of name of the national airport from Timehri to Dr Cheddi International Airport. Next, a report by the U.S. Human Rights Watch is recommending tougher laws to deal with racism and racial attacks in Britain. The report says racially motivated attacks in Britain have increased three fold over the past decade and the Labour government says that legislative changes are being considered as corrective measures and Labour would be tough on racism. Next, President Bill Clinton is due to apologise to survivors of a federal experiment in Alabama looking at the effects of syphilis on black men. The study which began in 1932 monitored the effects of untreated syphilis on black men living in Tuskegee. Finally, an Australian marathon swimmer completed a historic swim across the Florida Straits.Item Caribbean Report 09-05-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-05-09) Gordon, Warren (anchor); Richards, Ken (correspondent); Mitchell, James (interviewee); Panday, Basdeo (interviewee); Knight, K. D. (interviewee); Smith, Derrick (interviewee); Ninvalle, Pete (correspondent); Lansico, Romanas (interviewee); Joseph, Emma (correspondent); The British Broadcasting CorporationUnited States President Bill Clinton is expected to arrive in Barbados later today to attend the Summit with Caricom leaders. On the agenda would be the Bridgetown Declaration and the Plan of Action. Topics to be dealt with are trade enhancement, the peculiar problems of smaller economies and the challenge they face and human resources development. For the Heads of Government of the Windward Islands it is the United States attitude to the banana industry which is the main priority. Next, Jamaica’s Minister of National Security was forced to cancel his trip to Barbados because of gun violence in West Kingston that left four people dead and at least nine wounded. Next, there is disagreement in St Lucia today over the supervision of an election code of conduct. The governing United Workers Party and the Opposition of an election code of conduct. The governing United Workers Party and the Opposition Labour Party signed an agreement promising to fight clean elections. Finally, the black cowboys of America are having their rodeo week in Texas. Many of them are the descendants of the Buffalo soldiers as they are called. The men who first fought in the United States army some one hundred and fifty years ago, former slaves.Item Caribbean Report 08-05-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-05-08) Gordon, Warren (anchor); Plummer, Robert (correspondent); Lewis, Vaughn (interviewee); Mitchell, Keith (interviewee); Niles, Bertram (anchor); Maraj, Ralph (interviewee); Richards, Ken (correspondent); Kinnock, Glenys (interviewee); Wynn, Terry; Goffe, Leslie (correspondent); The British Broadcasting CorporationThere is continuing uncertainty in Suriname following the closure of a pyramid scheme or a pyramid style investment scheme that is believed to have attracted millions of dollars worth of investment. Next, Caricom leaders are to make one final effort over the weekend to persuade the American President not to pursue the American challenge to the preferential quotas enjoyed by Caribbean bananas in Europe. After consultation among the leaders in Barbados it is agreed that the banana issue has emerged as a great divide between the Americans and the Caribbean ahead of the Summit. The leaders discuss the banana issue as well as the shiprider agreement affecting the region. The three members of the European Parliament on a fact finding visit to the Caribbean have been hearing from the banana industry officials and farmers about the problems facing the industry and the threatened survival of the banana dependent Windward Islands. However, the Members of the European Parliament dismiss any suggestions that the tour is providing false hope to a doomed industry and say that while they cannot make any promises to farmers they are unwavering in their commitment to pressure the European Commission to appeal the World Trade Organisation’s ruling. Next, a new bill is to be introduced into the US Congress could prove to be good news for Caribbean sugar producers. If the bill becomes law it would phase out government subsidies and open up the United States market to heavier imports. Finally, stories of Caribbean interest appearing in the British press.Item Caribbean Report 07-05-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-05-07) Gordon, Warren (anchor); Gwyer, George (interviewee); Skinner, Glennis (interviewee); Osana, Roy (correspondent); Clinton, Bill (interviewee); Short, Clare (interviewee); Gibb, Tom (correspondent); Eden, Michael (interviewee); Robinson, Randall (interviewee); The British Broadcasting CorporationFrom Barbados to Washington there is a growing concern about the future of the banana industry. In Washington a high profiled lobbyist dumped two thousand pounds of bananas near Capital Hill. The protest was against the World Trade Organisation ruling in favour of the United States criticism of Europe’s banana regime. In Barbados, the Head of the European Commission for the Eastern Caribbean expresses his concern for the ruling. He believes that it would affect negatively the prices for growers in the Windward Islands. He further believes if the prices drop drastically farmers may stop producing and one could imagine the effects of such a turn. Would banana farmers be able to find alternative crops? He said in the meanwhile the European Community was already looking at medium term help. Also, a team of European MPs is on its fact finding mission examining the banana industry in the Caribbean. The Head of this team believes that it would be very difficult for banana farmers to find an alternative crop and that this decision would have an effect on the United States. Next, as the American President’s visit to the region continues the American leader today presses home his message on free trade during his visit to Mexico. Caricom leaders meet in Barbados to finalise their agendas for a week of discussion with the American President. Next, Britain’s Overseas Development Minister says that the new Labour government will increase the aid budget as the economy picks up. She gives a strong indication that the government’s international development policy will be more wide ranging in aid. Next, the official newspapers in Cuba today accuses the United States of deliberately introducing the island to a microscopic insect that attacks crops. Finally, the environment and development in Guyana was the subject of a conference in Southern England. The coordinator of the conference said that the primary concern was the effects of a larger number of logging and mining operations on Guyana’s Amerindians. Still in Guyana, the agreement with the Malaysia Vijaya Timber Group covering three quarter of a million acres continues to be met with some opposition in Guyana. Guyana has no environmental legislation and the investigation into the Omai Gold Cyanide spill found official monitoring to be weak.Item Caribbean Report 06-05-1997(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-05-06) Ransome, Debbie (anchor); Morris, Chris (correspondent); Martier, Felipe (interviewee); Fraser, Tony (correspondent); Smith, Colin (correspondent); Gibb, Tom (correspondent); Gordon, Warren (correspondent); The British Broadcasting CorporationPresident Bill Clinton visits Latin America and the Caribbean. The American leader is in Mexico where his meeting with leader Ernesto Zedillo led to agreement on stepped up action against drug traffickers and cross border illegal immigration. Next, Jamaica and the United States have signed what Jamaica has described as an acceptable form of the shiprider agreement. Jamaica has previously resisted the measure which is broadly designed to allow the US Coast Guard to pursue suspected drug traffickers into the territorial waters of the signatory country. Next, as Haiti seeks immediate foreign aid to deal with the major famine caused by drought in the North-West of the country the government says it is hoping for long term help from the English speaking Caribbean. Next, Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime Minister is in Venezuela seeking better relations between Trinidadian fishermen and Venezuela’s National Guard. He was scheduled to meet with his Venezuelan counterpart Rafael Caldera. Next, in Guyana one thousand ladybird beetles have arrived in the country to help in the biological control of the pink mealybug which has now reached that country. Next, Cuba has opened its first free trade zone just outside the capital Havana. The impact it will have on the country’s tax system is examined. Finally, the polls in Britain saw the election of one new black MP. She was elected to represent the ethnically diverse community of Bethnal Green and Bow. This election saw more black candidates all across the political spectrum than exclusively the Labour Party. It is believed that this is a good thing because the black communities overwhelming support of the Labour Party has not helped them.