Caribbean Report 22-01-1997


Canadian Foreign Minister, Lloyd Axworthy who has been defending his visit to Cuba against criticism from Washington had another meeting with President Fidel Castro on the final day of his visit as part of his efforts to strengthen trade links between Montreal and Havana. Demonstrations in Jamaica against a controversial ruling in a rape trial is discussed in this segment. Next, Donald Nelson, Chief Executive Officer at Kingston’s Public Hospital has been fired. It is stated that Mr Nelson’s contract is in no way affected by the CEO’s criticism of hospital conditions in a British documentary. Next, a trade ban against St. Lucia is currently costing the island millions in revenue could be lifted within weeks if a pest control programme is mutually agreed between governments in the region. Following, Puerto Rico and the State of Florida have agreed to allow criminals taking part in the islands Witnesses Protection Programme to be relocated to Florida. The island is too small to guarantee the witness safety. Lastly, the countdown is on to the forth test between the West Indies and host Australia which begins in Adelaide on Saturday. A test the West Indies must win if they are to attempt to make a come back in cricket history.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:29)
2. Canada strengthens ties with Cuba as Lloyd Axworthy's visit to Havana draws to a close. Nicholas Burn, State Department spokesman and Tom Gibbs are interviewed (00:30-04:47)
3. Demonstrations in Jamaica against a controversial ruling in a rape trial (04:48-05:39)
4. Chief Executive Officer at Kingston's Public Hospital has been fired. George Briggs, Jamaica's Junior Health Minister is interviewed (05:40-06:54)
5. A trade ban in St Lucia is currently costing the island millions in revenue. Julius Polius, St. Lucia's Director of Agricultural Services is interviewed (06:57-10:47)
6. Puerto Rico's Witness Protection Programme. Lesley Gaffe reports from Puerto Rico (10:48-12:33)
7. A must win for the West Indies cricket team against Australia if they are to make a come back. Tony Cozier is interviewed (12:34-15:21)

