Systemization of the Suatainable School Feeding Model and Proposition of Recommendations as Way Forward to the Government of Belize - MesoAmerica Hunger Free AMEXCID-FAO in Belize



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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)


Belize is strengthening its school feeding programme through the implementation of a pilot project of a model called “sustainable schools” (hereinafter referred to as SS) in four communities in the Toledo district (Pueblo Viejo, Santa Elena, Santa Cruz and San Antonio) in the southern part of the country. This model is based on six main components and establishes the necessary methodologies, steps and parameters for a sustainable national school feeding programme; one that goes beyond just providing food to poor or vulnerable children and is based on the human right to food. The six components are: 1. inter-institutional and intersectoral coordination; 2. social participation; 3. adoption of healthy, adequate and culturally appropriate menus; 4. food and nutrition education through educational school gardens; 5. establishment of direct purchases from family (small-scale) farming for school feeding; and 6. improvement of school infrastructure for school feeding.


Table of Contents


school feeding
