Caribbean Report 16-02-1995


In Brussels, ACP Ministers are left empty handed as talks on aid collapsed following differences of opinion among European Union countries. Hugh Crosskill gives an assessment of the impact of this setback on the ACP states. ACP Deputy Secretary-General Carl Greenidge responds to Britain's stance against an increase in aid. CAIC Chief Executive Officer Pat Thompson, argues that the Caribbean must make itself known to the new members of the EU by effective lobbying of their issues. At the CARICOM Heads of Government Intersessional Meeting in Belize, the items at the top of the agenda include NAFTA and regional airline, LIAT. Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime Minister Patrick Manning gave a sneak preview of the proposal for the privatization of LIAT and expressed no objections to the new airline, Carib Express. Caribbean countries are put on the alert over a possible epidemic of the deadly dengue fever by CAREC and PAHO.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines with Debbie Ransome, anchor (00:00-00:30)
2. Talks on aid to ACP states have collapsed following differences of opinion among the European Union member countries (00:31-08:00)
3. NAFTA and LIAT are at the top of the agenda of the CARICOM Heads of Government meeting in Belize (08:01-11:56)
4. Caribbean countries have been put on alert over a possible epidemic of the deadly dengue fever (11:57-14:23)
5. Recap of top stories (14:24-14:41)

