Caribbean Report 13-06-1995


This report looks at the election victory of the United Workers Party (UWP) led by Edison James, has pulled off in Dominica. Dr. Brian Alleyne and Rosie Douglas comment on who will hold the position of Opposition Leader. Prime Minister designate, Edison James talks about the priorities of the in-coming government. Sir Stanislaus James, Governor General of St. Lucia believes cooperation would be increased by political union within the Windward Islands. In St. Lucia, the Opposition boycotts the current budget presentation and the subsequent budget debate. Trinidad and Tobago is to propose the removal of LIAT Chairman William Rapier after he compromised his position. Low key events were held in Guyana on the fifteenth anniversary of the death of Dr. Walter Rodney. In London, the jury has failed to reach verdicts in the case of two officers accused of the manslaughter of Jamaican deportee Joy Gardner.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines with Debbie Ransome, anchor (00:00-00:29)
2. In Dominica, a new political party comes into power (00:30-09:44)
3. St. Lucia's Governor-General states that increased cooperation would result from political union (09:45-11:44)
4. St. Lucia's budget debate gets on the way, despite an opposition boycott (11:45-13:36)
5. LIAT Chairman faces removal from his post (13:37-14:17)
6. In Guyana, low key events mark the fifteenth anniversary of the death of Dr. Walter Rodney (14:18-14:37)
7. The jury, trying two officers accused of the manslaughter of Joy Gardner, has failed to reach verdicts (14:38-14:59)
8. Recap of top stories (15:00-15:20)

