Caribbean Report 19-08-1988



Loss of audio from min 05:05 onwards.

Table of Contents

1. Headlines – Pat Whitehorn (00:00—00:25)
2. Report on St. Vincent and the Grenadines’ Prime Minister James Mitchell’s address to the General Conference of Zambia’s United National Independence Party. (Brief excerpt from the actual address included). (00:30-01:53)
3. Law society of England and Wales launches a major drive to improve its image among young black people and tackle discrimination issues faced by recruits from racial minorities. Correspondent Soraya Patrick reports on some so called radical changes introduced by the Law Society, and speaks with Johnathan Goldsmith of the Law Society and Article Clerk Jo Larbie. (02:02-04:32)
4. Financial News: Hugh Crosskill. (04:41-05:05)
*Break in audio from 05:05 onwards.

