Caribbean Report 19-02-1997


Despite recent talks between the two countries aimed at resolving the dispute, mass deportation of Haitians from the Dominican Republic continue. Next, the organisation, Haitian Dominican Women’s Movement is protesting what they have labelled the inhumane repatriation programme of the Dominican Republic government. In the following, Caricom leaders are having a summit in Antigua. After years of complaints that the decision making process was too tedious, the leaders have signalled the determination to put the integration movement on the fast track. Next, secession for St. Kitts is running into strong opposition way ahead of the February 24th local elections. In the following, the European and United Sates differences over Helms-Burton seems set to go to a World Trade Organisation dispute panel. The WTO director, will name three panelist to arbitrate over the controversial anti-Cuban legislation. Next, Guyana’s President, Dr. Cheddi Jagan is said to be in the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, in a stable but serious condition. In the final segment, in response to a season of controversial calypsoes, Prime Minister, Basdeo Panday says that the government of Trinidad and Tobago is prepared to pass legislation to prevent calypsonians from dividing and denigrating the society


Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:32)
2. Hundreds of deportations daily by Dominican Republic authorities, leading to a tense situation in Haiti. Journalist, Jean-Michel Caroit and Fritz LaShawn, Haiti's Foreign Minister are interviewed. Warren Gordon reports (00:33-03:22)
3. The Haitian Dominican Women's Movement is protesting what the organisation has labelled the inhumane repatriation programme of the Dominican Republic government. Ashindi Maxton is interviewed (03:23-05:26)
4. Caricom leaders hope their latest summit will be the one to put regional integration on the fast track. Bertrand Niles reports from St. Johns (05:27-07:16)
5. Nevisian's Premier Vance Amory attempt to secede from the St. Kitts-Nevis Federation is running into strong opposition criticism. Joseph Parry, Opposition leader is interviewed (07:17-10:10)
6. European Union and United States differences over Helms-Burton look set to go to a World Trade Organisation dispute panel. Moyo Thomas reports (10:11-11:25)
7. Guyana's President, Dr. Cheddi Jagan seems to be resting comfortably. Dr. Odeen Ishmael, Guyana's Ambassador to the United States is interviewed (11:26-13:15)
8. Controversial 1997 calypsoes prompt Trinidadian Prime Minister Basdeo Panday to threaten legislative sanctions. Tony Fraser reports from Port of Spain (13:16-15:26)

