1990 Population and Housing Census: Editing and Coding Manual: Part Two



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Central Statistical Office


This editing and coding manual is made up of several documents to be used for the editing and operations of the 1990 Population and Housing Census. The degree to which the census tabulation reflect the true facts depends largely on the Enumerator who collects and records information from the field, the Editor who checks the collected information for accuracy and the Coder who assigns the relevant codes to facilitate data processing. This manual provides detailed instructions in accordance with laid-down procedures and rules for preparing the census questionnaires for processing. The 1990 Population and Housing Census Editing and Coding Manual consists of two parts. Part I outlines the purpose of editing and coding, the principles involved, and also includes the coding systems to be utilized for the manual coding of the data on Religion, Geographic location and Age. Part II contains the coding systems to be utilized for the manual coding of the data on Occupation, Industry and Training. The manual is intended basically to be used by all editing and coding staff of the census. It will also be useful to researchers and other users of the census data for research and methodological purposes.


Table of Contents


Population and housing
