Some factors affecting teachers' satisfaction and motivation in primary and all age schools in Jamaica

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School of Education, UWI


This paper sought to determine: 1) factors teachers perceived as important to their professional work, 2) reasons for teachers' decision to join or leave the teaching profession, 3) teachers' level of satisfaction and the conditions affecting this, and 4) teachers' perceived level of work effort. One hundred and five teachers from six primary and six all-age schools were asked to respond to a 35-item questionnaire that sought answers to these questions. Results of the study suggested that all is not well in some of the primary and all-age schools in Jamaica and that this is affecting the level of teacher satisfaction, resulting in a growing desire to leave the profession. However, there appears to exist certain intrinsic factors that continue to motivate a high sense of duty and dedication, and encourage self-gratification


Multi-Cultural and Inter-Disciplinary Development Education Conference (MIDEC II), Mona, Jamaica, 8-9 Aug., 1984
The University of the West Indies, Mona. School of Education

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