Caribbean Report 02-05-1997


A day after the British general elections and the public is still digesting the implications of the results. Labour has swept into office with the biggest majority that they ever had, while the Conservatives are taking stock of a shattering defeat that left them temporarily leaderless and split over Europe. Britain’s new Foreign Secretary said that along with Europe, improving relations with the Commonwealth would also be a priority. They would be arguing for a better deal with Europe for Caribbean bananas. Immigration and entry into Europe would be one of the issues that the Afro-Caribbean community may take up with the new government. Next, a group of Euro-MPs are about to visit four Caribbean banana producing states to get a better grasp of the importance of EU banana regime to ACP countries and EU suppliers. Next, Cuba’s President has predicted a lower than expected Cuban sugar harvest this year due to the effects of hurricane Lili and the tightening of the US embargo. Next, divers are still searching for the bodies off the coast of St Vincent. A Trinidad airplane carrying cricket fans crashed into the sea. Finally, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the British government would be guilty of inhumane treatment if it deported a dying man to his birth place in St Kitts. The man a convicted drug courier who was ordered by the Immigration Authorities to be returned home has only weeks to live after being diagnoses with aids.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:26)
2. A new government in 10 Downing Street, the Foreign Secretary gets set to argue in support of Caribbean bananas. British Foreign Secretary, Robin Coke, Jamaican born trade unionist, Bill Morris, Arif Ali, former editor of the Caribbean Times newspaper, Bernie Grant, black Labour Member of Parliament and Andrew Scantlebury, Conservative Member of Parliament are interviewed. Jim Fish and Emmett Joseph report (00:27-08:10)
3. A group of Euro-MPs to visit four Caribbean banana producing states. Edwin Laurent , Brussels-based Ambassador is interviewed. Ken Richards reports (08:11-09:59)
4. Helms-Burton and hurricane Lili blame for the drop in Cuba's vital sugar crop. Tom Gibb reports from Havana (10:00-11:38)
5. Search still on for missing bodies off the coast of St Vincent. Coast Guard Commander, David Robin is interivewed (11:39-13:25)
6. A dying drug courier from St Kitts may be deported from Britain. Carol Orr reports (12:26-15:18)

