Measurement of some Jamaican high school students' levels of anxiety towards science



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This study investigated the effects of grade level, gender, school location, number of science subjects studied, and science subject preference on levels of anxiety. The Zuckerman Affect Adjective Checklist was used to measure the anxiety levels of a sample of 313 students (149 boys and 164 girls), of whom 133 were Grade 9 and 180 were Grade 11 students) from two rural and four urban high schools in Jamaica. The findings revealed that: 1) the students fell into three anxiety level categories: (low 10.86 percent), average (78.60 percent), and high (10.54 percent); 2) rural students were significantly more anxious than urban ones; 3) Grade 11 and female students were slightly more anxious than Grade 9 and male students respectively; 4) students studying three science subjects were slightly less anxious than those studying one or two, and 5) students who preferred biology were less anxious than those who preferred either physics of chemistry.


Biennial Cross-Campus Conference on Education, 2nd, St. Augustine, Trinidad, 22-24 April, 1992
The University of the West Indies, Faculty of Education

Table of Contents


high school sudents, science, anxiety
