Caribbean Report 08-03-1995




Ransome, Debbie (anchor)
The British Broadcasting Corporation
Rowe, Yvette (correspondent)
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros (interviewee)
Clinton, Hillary (interviewee)
Hewitt, Elaine (interviewee)
Daniel, Theresa (correspondent)
Mitchell, James (interviewee)
Alleyne, Gary (correspondent)
Seaga, Edward (interviewee)

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The British Broadcasting Corporation


Debt forgiveness and women's development are at the top of the agenda at the UN World Summit for Social Development. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, UN Secretary-General and America's First Lady Hillary Clinton both addressed the Summit and focused on the improvement of conditions for women in the developing world. In Saint Vincent, Prime Minister James Mitchell gave his first public reaction to the US drug allegations. Mitchell criticised the report and challenged whether a country could be condemned by a unsubstantiated report. Meanwhile in Jamaica, Edward Seaga, leader of the Opposition Labour Party, criticised the challenge to his leadership and spoke about the recent resignation of party Chairman Bruce Golding. The OECS plans to reach out and increase trade with the French Overseas Departments. Keith Fletcher has been sacked as England's cricket manager following a disastrous England tour of Australia.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines with Debbie Ransome (00:00-00:26)
2. Debt forgiveness and women's development dominate the agenda at the UN Social Summit (00:27-07:08)
3. Prime Minister James Mitchell criticises the US State Department report on the drug problem in the region (07:09-09:00)
4. Edward Seaga responds to the challenge to his leadership of the JLP and the recent resignation of party Chairman Bruce Golding (09:01-10:55)
5. The OECS plans to reach out and increase trade with the French overseas departments (10:56-14:20)
6. Keith Fletcher, England's cricket manager has been sacked following a disastrous England tour of Australia (14:21-15:03)

