Caribbean Report 21-03-1995


St. Kitts Prime Minister Dr. Kennedy Simmonds refuses to speculate on an election date and comments on the need to seek assistance to deal with the increase in drug trafficking and violent crimes. Bermuda's Parliament resumed a heated debate on the issue of independence. Bermuda's Education Minister Dr. Clarence Terceira argued that independence leads to debt problems. In Guyana, the Working People's Alliance (WPA) repeated its call for murder charges to be instituted against Gregory Smith in connection with the 1980 murder of Dr. Walter Rodney. A group of prominent Asian Councillors campaign against racism within the ranks of Britain's Opposition Labour Party. Secretary of the Association for Active Asians, Paramjit Singh Bahia, a Labour Councillor argues that racism within the Party is rampant. Jamaican born Desmond Douglas has been recalled to England's table tennis team to compete at the World Championships in China in May.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines with Debbie Ransome (00:00-00:28)
2. St. Kitts Prime Minister refuses to speculate on an early election date (00:29-05:04)
3. Bermuda's Parliament resumed a heated debate on the issue of independence (05:05-08:15)
4. WPA co-leader Rupert Roopnarine makes a call for murder charges to be instituted against Gregory Smith (08:16-12:20)
5. A group of prominent Asian Councillors campaigns against racism within the ranks of Britain's Opposition Labour Party (12:21-14:34)
6. Jamaican born Desmond Douglas has been recalled to the English table tennis team (14:35-15:04)

