Education for all in the Caribbean in the 1990s: Retrospect and prospect



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Office of the UNESCO Representative in the Caribbean


This monograph reviews the contribution of the Caribbean to the “World Declaration” and “Framework for Action” in light of the experience of implementing Education for All (EFA) in the region over the decade of the 1990s. It also reviews the approaches adopted by Caribbean countries in implementing EFA in the region, and progress made in the six target dimensions of the EFA “Framework for Action”. The monograph concludes with the identification of 10 challenges facing the Caribbean in seeking to address outstanding commitments in EFA and the new imperatives facing the region. The main conclusion reached is that significant progress has been made in the region in providing EFA and the proportion of children completing primary education. The main challenges remain with the fact that Caribbean countries may have reached the limits of the quality of basic education that can be expected from the existing level of resources, technology, teacher quality and school organization. Progress in improving quality seems to reside in higher levels of resources, new technology, higher levels of teacher preparation, and fresh approaches to school organization.


Table of Contents


Universal education
