Caribbean Report 09-01-1995


In Jamaica, Prime Minister, P.J. Patterson reshuffled his Cabinet relieving three experienced ministers of their portfolios. These ministers are O. D. Ramtallie, Carlyle Dunkley and Desmond Leakey. Core ministries were also reduced from seventeen to fifteen. Journalist Gary Alleyne was interviewed on the Cabinet reshuffle and comments on whether he thinks the ministers were leaving voluntarily or are being forced out. Mr. Patterson made the changes to make government more effective and responsive to the poor since there was widespread discontent in the society. There is talk that two further resignations are expected. The debate on the pros and cons of casino gambling in the Caribbean has resurfaced. Advocates cited the benefits of tourism and foreign exchange earnings, while opponents expressed fears of increased levels of crime and prostitution. Tim Hector, Antiguan newspaper editor and St. Kitts/Nevis Chamber of Commerce President Ricky Skerritt are interviewed on their experiences and to find out whether these fears are well founded. Racism in Britain's football terraces rears its ugly head once again. Two black footballers, John Barnes and Ian Wright have been jeered by so-called supporters. Hugh Crosskill interviewed Clare Tomlingson, Media Relations Officer, for the Football Association on some of the methods implemented to stamp out racism in British football. The Football Offensive Act of 1991, makes racial chanting and abuse an offence which can lead to an arrest and the use of peer pressure are expected to act as deterrents to this type of behaviour. The programme ends with a report about former West Indies opener, Desmond Haynes, who has been released from his contract with the South African Club Western Province to return home in order to play cricket for Barbados.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines with Carol Orr (00:00-00:28)
2. Report on Jamaica's Cabinet reshuffle (00:29-01:07)
3. P. J. Patterson reports on the issue of appointments (01:08-01:46)
4. Gary Alleyne is interviewed on the changes made (01:47-04:59)
5. The debate on the pros and cons of casino gambling in the Caribbean (05:00-05:37)
6. Interview with Tim Hector and Ricky Skerritt on their experiences and whether these fears are validated (05:38-09:59)
7. Report on the racism experienced by John Barnes in British football (10:00-11:09)
8. Hugh Crosskill interviews Clare Tomlingson on methods implemented to stamp out racism within the sport (11:10-13:54)
9. Desmond Haynes, former West Indies opener released from contract and allowed to return and play for Barbados (13:55-14:25)
10. Carol Orr, anchor, end the report (14:26-14:54)

