Researching teacher education: New perspectives on practice, performance and policy: Multi-Site Teacher Education Research Project (MUSTER): Synthesis report



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Department for International Development


This research report synthesizes the findings from a four-year programme of research on teacher education and is focused on insights from Ghana, Lesotho, Malawi, and Trinidad and Tobago. The review is organized in six sections. The first section identifies a range of key policy challenges for teacher education and details emerging priorities. The next three sections sequentially reflect on insights and issues concerned with the selection and admission of trainees, the initial teacher education curriculum, and the characteristics of teacher education colleges. This leads to a discussion of structures for initial training and some alternative models. The fifth section develops an analysis of the roles external assistance can play in improving quality and effectiveness. Section six briefly outlines some developmental scenarios that arise from the cross-case analysis undertaken within the Multi-Site Teacher Education Research Project (MUSTER).


Table of Contents


primary teacher education, MUSTER Project
