Evolution in Bahamian education: An experiment with an international teacher education program

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This paper describes how a plan for the University of Miami to conduct college classes in the Bahamas was formulated and implemented. In July 1973, immediately after their country gained independence, a handful of Bahamian students, sponsored by their newly elected government, enrolled at the University of Miami. Stimulated by their personal interests, their experiences as colonials, and their commitment to a newly liberalized homeland, these students secured from their Ministry of Education and Culture an invitation to administrators from the University of Miami to discuss possibilities for bringing higher education to the Bahamas. The programme, which began operating in 1975, has been a milestone in Bahamian education and in the development of the University of Miami as well. The programme is committed to: 1) providing relevant education and avoiding intellectual colonialism, 2) maintaining the quality of education in an external setting comparable with campus programmes, and 3) providing education to assist individual Bahamaians and the government in the attainment of their goals. Student and teachers alike have also worked at "Bahamaianization" of university curriculum


World Assembly of the International Council on Education for Teaching, 30th, Washington, DC, 11-15 Jul., 1983

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