Peter Abrahams Collection

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Peter Abrahams was born in Vrededorp, a suburb of Johannesburg, South Africa on March 19, 1919. Abrahams was a Coloured South African who lived most of his life in Jamaica and grew to become a respected novelist, journalist and critic of the apartheid regime. Abrahams’ writings took him across France, London and back to South Africa and Kenya to report on the colour situation. In 1957, Abrahams long and lasting bond with Jamaica was formed when he was commissioned by the Colonial Office to write on Jamaica’s popular history and by 1959, he moved his family to live in Jamaica. Abrahams was described as a “...distinguished immigrant...” by George Panton in his 1975 Arts Profile Gleaner series, determined to deliver works of top quality and high impact in each publication or radio broadcast. Abrahams maintained his Trans-Atlantic connections, and this is evidenced by correspondence with members of the South African political sphere and fellow journalists. Within the Abrahams papers, the voice of an astute social and political commentator, impassioned Pan-Africanist and renowned novelist resonates


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Now showing 1 - 20 of 102
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    The Golden Leaf
    (1961) Unknown
    Manuscript of the story of Tobacco in Jamaica
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    Personal Correspondence
    (1962-10-26) Abrahams, Peter
    Personal Correspondence Letter to Peter Abrahams from Reggie regarding a missing parcel
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    Personal Correspondence
    (1961) Abrahams, Peter; Lord, L.D.
    Personal Correspondence between Peter Abrahams and Dr. L.D. Lord of the United Manchester Association.
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    Personal Correspondence
    (1963-01-04) Abrahams, Peter
    Letter to Peter Abrahams from J.B. Kelly of the University of Puerto Rico
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    A Call for Playwrights
    (The Dramatists Guild of The Authors League of America Inc.: The Dramatists Bulletin, 1961) Green, Paul; Lampell, Millard; Middleton, George
    The Dramatists Bulletin writes on various topics like Income Tax Problems Peculiar to Authors, Collaboration, Revisions, Adaptations, Dramatizations and Play Publication, The Struggle for a Minimum Basic Agreement and a call for Playwrights, among others
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    The Seprodian
    (1962) Seprod Limited
    A publication devoted to the interests of employees of Seprod Limited, Kingston, Jamaica
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    University College of the West Indies Newsletter number 354
    (1960-10-03) The University of the West Indies
    University College of the West Indies Newsletter number 354, October 3, 1960 includes information about a series of lectures on Africa being given at U.C.W.I. noting Peter Abrahams as a guest lecturer.
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    General Publishing Correspondence (U-Z)
    (1995) Abrahams, Peter; Rosevelt, Jan Peter; Woeber, Catherine; Lidchi, Marguerite; Gordon-Brown, Ian; Young, R. H.; Victor Gallancz, Ltd.; Neill, Stephen
    General Publishing Correspondence (U-Z) between Peter Abrahams and representatives from publishing houses, as well as individuals
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    General Publishing Correspondence (E-H)
    (2006) Abrahams, Peter; Chakava, Henry; Echeruo, M. J. C.; Bertin, Mario; Lasky, Melvin J.; Dangoulov, S; Rooney, Terry; Sealey, T. E.; Hendriks, A. L.; Henze, J.
    General Publishing Correspondence (E-H) between Peter Abrahams and representatives from publishing houses, as well as individuals
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    The Dream
    (1956) Abrahams, Peter
    Manuscript about ‘The Dream’, ‘The Reality’ and ‘Udomo’
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    A Night of Their own
    (1965) Abrahams, Peter
    Manuscript of "A Night of Their Own" previously "This Passing Night". It looks at an underground movement working against apartheid in South Africa tries to enlist the sympathies of the Indian minority in Natil.
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    Personal correspondence
    (1962) Vaz, F. N.; Waite-Smith, Cicely; Walker, B. S.; Wallis, Margaret; Willson, Desmond; Winslow, Henry; Worthy, Bill; Young, R. H.
    Personal correspondence between Peter Abrahams and various individuals (U-Z)
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    Personal correspondence
    (1963) Reid, Kent; Richards, Maureen; Abrahams, Peter; Ross, Emroy; Schaffer, O. F.; Slack, Timothy; Sserumaga, Francis; St. Hilaire, Frank
    Personal correspondence between Peter Abrahams and various individuals (Q-T)
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    Trubute to Peter Abrahams
    (1994) Allen, Gary
    Tribute to Peter Abrahams from Gary Allen who is representing Radio Jamaica Limited, the parent company in the RJRGLEANER Communications Group, where Peter Abrahams remains a living voice and an encouraging spirit for excellence in journalism, media and as an author.
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    (1994) Curtis Brown Ltd.
    Correspondence between Peter Abrahams and various persons from Curtis Brown Ltd.
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    Personal correspondence
    (1984) Gassama, Abdou; Abrahams, Peter; Glave, Hal; Gustafson, Winifred; Hibbert, Alvy; Hippolyte, J. M.; Ho Ken, Elsa; Hogbin, Phyllis; Hughes, Langston; Hylton, T. B.
    Personal correspondence between Peter Abrahams and various individuals (E-F)
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    Personal correspondence
    (1984) Ingram, John; Abrahams, Peter; Johnson, Georgia; Kavanagh, Eric; Kidd, J. R.
    Personal correspondence between Peter Abrahams and various individuals (I-L)
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    Personal correspondence
    (1963) Maine, Abbey; Abrahams, Peter; McFarlane, Rey; Mkongewa, Simon; Nettleford, Rex; Nobble, Jeanne; Plastrik, Stanley
    Personal correspondence between Peter Abrahams and various individuals (M-P)
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    Personal correspondence
    (1983) Pilcher, Hugh; Fagence, Maurice; Abrahams, Peter
    Personal correspondence between Peter Abrahams and various unidentifiable correspondents
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    (1960) Clake, John; Ware, Melvin; Nickles, Harry; Robin, Samuel J.; Jett, Ruth; Reich, D
    Correspondence related to Peter Abrahams’ The Meaning of Harlem article published by Holiday
Please contact the West Indies and Special Collections at the University of the West Indies, Mona for any further information on the collections posted here. Contact: