SISTREN - Jamaica

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SISTREN Theatre Collective (STC) is an independent women’s organization established in 1977 that began as a drama-in-education organization, mounting full length plays and conducting workshops about women’s issues, based on real experiences affecting women. Through drama, SISTREN confronts the public with problems facing both genders, and brings pressure to bear on the society to change negative perceptions and attitudes towards women. It also serves women’s organizations, community groups, government and non-government agencies, educational institutions, and the general public.

SISTREN operates a multi-faceted popular education programme that aims to analyze the situation of women in Jamaica, increase the awareness of gender issues, assist in the building of regional networks, encourage grassroots cultural expressions, and equip other grassroots agencies to effectively campaign for social change. The emphasis is on collective analysis of issues and discussions of possible solutions through networking with local, regional and international organizations.
