Human Communication Studies Caribbean Scholarship Project

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Human Communication Research Database (HCRD) Project is a two-year CRP funded set of activities for three sets of components: a database, a book and film.

The database: The Reference Database of Human Communication Caribbean Scholarship is a research resource. The database identifies, documents and organizes human communication scholarship connected with the Anglophone Caribbean for 2010-2020. It offers a contribution to the literature linking human communication research in the Caribbean with the wider global communication literature in EndNote.

The book authored by Professor Godfrey Steele is entitled Human Communication Studies Caribbean Scholarship: Research Knowledge and Stories was published on July 26, 2022 by Kendall Hunt Publishers in the United States:

The third component of the project is the film which has been produced in three parts. The film entitled Communication Connects – Human Communication Scholarship Stories from the Caribbean: A Documentary Film complements the book, Human Communication Studies Caribbean Scholarship: Research Knowledge and Stories (HCSCS) (Steele, 2022). It features thematic interviews with graduates and experienced academics, and overviews, summaries, and commentaries. The film consists of an overview, and three parts each focusing on one of three themes and a closure, credits and terms of use copyright and licensing statements.
