Caribbean Report 24-02-1992


An agreement between President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and lawmakers from Port-au-Prince granting a general amnesty to those who staged a coup in Haiti last September was reached at an OAS meeting. Secondly, the Supreme Court overruled legal submissions by Haitian advocates in favour of the US Government completing forcible repatriation of Haitian refugees. Thirdly, fears are voiced over renewed gang clashes after Lester Lloyd Coke, alias Jim Brown, was found burnt to death in his prison cell. Fourthly, the European Commission continues to pledge support for Caribbean and African banana producers stating that they will not lose any advantages so far gained in trade agreements. Lastly, concern is expressed for the recovery of Brian Lara, West Indian batsman, from a toe injury three days before World Cup clash with England.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:40)
2. Agreement reached between President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and lawmakers from Port-au-Prince. Comments from correspondent Michael Norton (00:42-03:28)
3. Interview with Cheryl Little of the Miami based Haitian Refugee Centre on the Supreme Court’s ruling to complete forcible repatriation of Haitian refugees in the US (03:29-05:34)
4. Notorious Jamaican gangland leader Jim Brown allegedly burnt to death in a prison cell fire. Flo O’Connor of the Jamaica Council for Human Rights comments on the issue (05:35-08:50)
5. Peter Poole, Deputy Director for the Development of the European Commission, reassures Caribbean and African banana producers of Europe’s commitment to uphold trade agreements in face of free market talks (08:51-12:49)
6. Correspondent Reds Perreira interviews West Indian team manager Deryck Murray about Brian Lara’s recovery before World Cup clash with England (12:50-14:43)

