Caribbean Report 27-04-1993


Former Jamaican Prime Minister Michael Manley was named CARICOM ambassador at large, the announcement was made in Prot of Spain by CARICOM Chairman - Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Patrick Manning - Tony Fraser reports. The president of the Caribbean Development Banks – Sir Neville Nicholas has warned that the trade union movement in Trinidad and Tobago can thwart the objectives of the flotation of the country’s currency. Haiti’s UN ambassador Fritz Longshun says that the Haitian military is dragging its feet in negotiations to ensure that Jean Bertrand Aristide does not return as president - Debbie Ransome reports. United officials in Haiti were reportedly trying to secure the release of three union leaders held after calling for a general strike in Port au Prince. The president of Cuba’s parliament Ricardo Alarcon has rejected suggestions that Cuba really does not want the US to lift the trade embargo, bases on the grounds that then Cuba would not be able to blame its problems on the US. John Barnes, Jamaican born England national footballer has retained his place on the England team for the world cup qualifier against Holland at London’s Wembely stadium.


Table of Contents

Headlines with anchor Debbie Ransome (00:44)
1. Former Jamaican Prime Minister Michael Manley was named CARICOM ambassador at large, the announcement was made in Prot of Spain by CARICOM Chairman - Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Patrick Manning (00:45 -06:00)
2. The president of the Caribbean Development Banks – Sir Neville Nicholas has warned that the trade union movement in Trinidad and Tobago can thwart the objectives of the flotation of the country’s (06:01 - 07:19).
3. Haiti’s UN ambassador Fritz Longshun says that the Haitian military is dragging its feet in negotiations to ensure that Jean Bertrand Aristide does not return as president (07:20 -11:21).
4. United officials in Haiti were reportedly trying to secure the release of three union leaders held after calling for a general strike in Port au Prince (11:22 -12:14).
5. The president of Cuba’s parliament Ricardo Alarcon has rejected suggestions that Cuba really does not want the US to lift the trade embargo (12:15 -13:26).
6. John Barnes, Jamaican born England national footballer has retained his place on the England team for the world cup qualifier against Holland at London’s Wembly stadium (13:27:15:00).

