Caribbean Report 28-04-1999



Table of Contents

1. Headlines with anchor Ken Richards ( 00: 26)
2. There was relief reaction in Jamaica to the roll back of the controversial gas tax which triggered three days of public protests. Opposition leaders, trade unions and churches reacted favorably to the new proposal and other revised revenue reduction measures outlined by Finance Minister Omar Davies. Professor Rupert Lewis of the University of the West Indies Department of Government at Mona campus discusses how the decision addresses the country’s financial crisis. Carol Orr reports (00: 27 – 05: 19)
3. The government of Montserrat is in the process of refurbishing the island airport at Bramble. The airport closed in June 1997 after major volcanic activity buried the main terminal building and surrounding facilities. The UK government gave assurance to the authorities that it will assist in reopening airport. Keith Stone Greaves (05: 20 - 07: 36)
4. Nevis is taking steps to tighten off shore financial services to ensure proper management and control of that sector. The matter was addressed in the House of Assembly through amendment of existing legislation. Premier Vance Amory discusses whether these amendments will prevent Nevis off-shore banking sector from attracting money laundering activities (07: 37 – 09: 57)
5. CARICOM experts are in the process of implementing a new coordination body based in Georgetown which will lead to a more collaborative approach in fighting against illegal drug trafficking. Chief Coordinator Fairbairn Liverpool explains why the unit was created and counter measures implemented to fight the drug trade. Debbie Ransome reports (09 : 58 – 12: 53)
6. US officials confirmed that the bodyguard of Cuban President Fidel Castro who defected to the US Embassy in Santo Domingo has been flown to the US. Captain Lazaro de Betancourt was the first member of the Cuban security team to defect in 40 years. Spokesman for the Miami based Anti-Castro Group Brothers to the Rescue Jose Basalto comments on the significance of the defection (12:54 - 14:35)
7. Cuba was not included in major revisions of the US sanctions policy announcement which opened export of food and medical items to Iran, Libya and Sudan. Sanctions against Cuba and Iraq remains in place (14: 36 - 15: 26)

