Caribbean Report 20-12-1993



Table of Contents

Headlines with Debbie Ransome (00:39)
1. The Bureau of CARICOM leaders is to recommend another look at the future of the regional airline LIAT. Ralph Maraj, Foreign Affairs Minister of Trinidad and Tobago gives feedback from the meeting. Burton Williams, Minister in the Prime Minister office St. Vincent. Trinidad and Tobago PM Patrick Manning also gives his views on the way forward. Dr. Anthony Bryan, Director of Caribbean Studies at the University of Miami also expresses his views – Debbie Ransome reports (00:40 – 08:01)
2. Haiti’s Prime Minister Robert Malval has accused President Aristide of sabotaging attempts to restore the country to democracy and playing with the future of Haiti - journalist Michael Norton reports (08:02 -11:25)
3. In Jamaica, the Mona campus of the UWI has been forced to close following student demonstrations over insufficient security (11:26 -11:44)
4. In Britain the last in the popular sitcom Desmond’s - based in a barber shop in black South London, is scheduled to be aired this Sunday. The comedy focusses on black life, and Producer Humphrey Barkley explains the reasons why the show has managed to succeed while the other such programmes have failed. Daily Mirror critic Simon London sums his views - correspondent Clive Myrie reports (11:45 -15:15)

