Caribbean Report 23-10-1991



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:29)
2. Labour unions and the private sector in Barbados join forces tomorrow in a protest to shutdown the country due to the government’s handling of the economy. Interview with one of the organisers of the protest, Sir Douglas Lynch of the Barbados Shipping and Trading Company (00:30-03:40)
3. The Presidents of Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela are meeting in an emergency summit today to discuss the dual Caribbean crises of Cuba and Haiti. Charles Scanlon reports from Mexico City that the issue of supplying aid to an increasingly isolated Cuba is likely to be part of the talks (03:41-05:42)
4. The arrangement for trade payments is one of the issues to dominate the Caricom Trade Ministers Meeting in Guyana, including Jamaica’s handling of its trade transactions with other Caricom states. Sharief Khan reports that the Caricom states called on Jamaica to reduce its arrears of payments to member states (05:43-07:30)
5. The East Caribbean Organization of the Development Foundations is lobbying Caribbean nationals living overseas to invest in the organization. Interview with the its Regional Director, Milton Lauren (07:31-10:35)

