Caribbean Report 14-02-1989


The controversy of book “The Satanic Verses” by Indian born, British author Salman Rushdie continues with the death sentence passed by Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeni. There are strong reactions from Muslims in the Caribbean region. Brinsley Samaroo, Minister in the Trinidad and Tobago government does not support this response as he wishes to see people commenting on the book after having themselves read it. Grenada Deputy Prime Minister, Ben Jones who was in London and participated in the Independence Day celebrations speaks on developments for the island's next election. Jones rejects accusations that the Grenadian government is weakening the trade union movement. On other trade issues, an emergency meeting was called by the International Cocoa Organization to settle the mounting debts encumbered by producers. In Haiti, President Prosper Avril invites twenty-three organizations to discuss the setting up of an institution that will organize and supervise a free elections.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines: Iran's Ayatollah Khomeni sentences author, Salman Rushdie to death for blasphemy and insults to Muslims; Grenada Deputy Prime Minister, Ben Jones reacts to accusations that his goverment is weakening trade unions; and, the International Cocoa Organization calls an emergency meeting to avert a cocoa crisis (00:00-00:35)
2. Interview with Salman Rushdie, author of "The Satanic Verses" on the death sentence passed by Ayatollah Khomeni (00:36-01:50)
3. Interview with Brinsley Samaroo, Minister in the Trinidad and Tobago government on reactions to the book "The Satanic Verses" in the region (01:51-03:56)
4. Interview with Ben Jones, Grenada's Deputy Prime Minister who was in London and participates in the Independence Day celebrations. Jones rejects accusations that the Grenadian government is weakening the trade unions. Jones also speaks on developments for the next election (03:57-08:40)
5. Financial News (08:41-10:10)
6. Robin Stainer reports that the International Cocoa Organization emergency meeting is to settle the mounting debts encumbered by producers (10:11-12:27)
7. President Prosper Avril of Haiti invites twenty-three organisations to discuss the setting up of an institution that will organise and supervise a free election (12:28-14:56)

