Caribbean Report 11-07-2003



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:25)
2. The Montserrat government calculates the damage from the recent volcanic eruption at more than three hundred thousand USD. Hardest hit are the island’s crops and water system. The Montserrat Community Support Trust in the UK agrees to coordinate support for citizens back home. Latho Howes, Secretary of the Trust tells more (00:26-04:03)
3. A group of UK based Dominicans sets up a Trust to help promote at least one major project on the island. The Ducan’s Trust officially launched recently in London by the visiting Prime Minister of Dominica, Pierre Charles, is committed to developing charitable projects in both Dominica and the UK. Susie Blann reports (04:04-05:21)
4. Despite United States pressure about the International Criminal Court (ICC), President Bharrat Jagdeo hopes that Guyana’s parliament will ratify the ICC. At the same time, he will be signing a bi-lateral treaty with the US to grant American service men and women immunity from prosecution via the ICC (05:22-06:05)
5. In Guyana, Maggie Beirne becomes the final person to be sworn in and the only foreigner to sit on the five-member commission to look at ways of reforming the country’s security forces. This enquiry is part of an agreement between the Opposition and the Government aimed at ending years of political fighting and violence (06:06-08:59)
6. One of the region’s richest investors, multi-billionaire Allen Stanford, is asking Caribbean leaders to back his efforts at promoting trade with the United States. Pete Ninvalle reports (09:00-10:32)
7. According to a major study in Europe, HIV is becoming resistant to the conventional drugs. The study shows that about ten percent of patients carry drug resistant strains of the disease. Richard Holbrooke, former US Ambassador to the UN – now Chairman Global Fund for AIDS, says the impact of AIDS is worsening (10:33-12:16)
8. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is working to bring more Caribbean Americans into the organisation and is already demonstrating what it can do (12:17-14:31)

