Caribbean Report 09-04-1990


In Mrs. Margaret Thatcher’s speech at one of the largest international conferences on drug abuse, she announces that Britain will provide one million pounds to its Caribbean dependent territories in the fight against drugs. Drawing on the Jamaican experience, Dr. Kenneth McNeill stresses the need for international cooperation in curbing the drug crisis, emphasizing the increased threats posed by cocaine and the escalation in cocaine use. With regards to British aid, Selwyn Richardson, Minister of Justice and National Security of Trinidad and Tobago states that providing financial help to British dependencies in the Caribbean is not enough since there are other countries in the region in dire need of financial assistance in combating drug trade. Laverty Stout, Chief Minister of the British Virgin Islands comments on the specific problems of BVI and the contributions the smaller Caribbean islands can make to the international approach against drugs. Following the Financial News, rumours persist in Britain that a European airline is interested in buying shares in the Leeward Islands Air Transport (LIAT) company. Based on the past experiences of LIAT, Henry Ford, leader of the Barbados Labour Party explains that a truly regional air transport system is needed in the Caribbean.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:45)
2. Britain pledges financial help to its Caribbean dependencies in the fight against drugs at the International Drugs Conference in London. Excerpts of conference speeches from Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of Britain and Dr. Kenneth McNeill, Jamaican Parliamentary Member. Sandra Baptiste interviews Selwyn Richardson, Minister of Justice and National Security of Trinidad and Tobago, and Pat Whithorne interviews Laverty Stout, Chief Minister of the British Virgin Islands (00:46-10:30)
3. Financial News (10:31-11:21)
4. Rumors persist in Britain of the interest of a European airline investing in LIAT. Interview with Henry Ford, leader of the Barbados Labour Party (11:22-14:38)

