Caribbean Report 13-05-1993



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:31)
2. Britain is to scale down its garrison in Belize over the next year. The troops can be withdrawn because the political and security situation in the region has improved. British troops will continue to maintain a presence in the country for military training. Johnathan Markus reports. Interviews with Malcolm Rifkind, British Foreign Secretary; David Clarke, Britain Opposition MP; Terry Dicks, Britain’s Government MP; and Said Musa, Belizean Foreign Minister (00:32-07:04)
3. United States military exercises at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base has again brought the issue of U.S. forces on Cuban soil. The Cuban Foreign Minister, Roberto Robaina reiterated that that Cuba will never resign itself to an unwanted military base on its territory. Lionel Martin reports. (07:05-09:10)
4. The Caribbean Development Bank has banned the World Bank from attending its annual general meeting. Neville Nicholls, President of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) spoke on the ban and the CDB is urged to widen its membership and speed up the implementation of projects. The Board of Governors of Germany, Venezuela and St. Kitts and Nevis highlighted similar issues while the Governor for Grenada pointed to the shortage of counterpart funds due to tight financial constraints and slowness in meeting its conditionality. Sandra Baptiste reports. Interviews with Kennedy Simmons, Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis; and Dr. Lenny Saith, Trinidad and Tobago’s Governor (09:11-14:11)
5. Suriname’s President, Ronald Venetiaan met with two members of the country’s military council to discuss the impasse as to who should control the army. The president warned that they could be dismissed if they continue to reject the government’s choice of leader (14:12-14:48)

