Caribbean Report 31-10-1991



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:36)
2. In a national broadcast, the Prime Minister of Barbados unveiled details of a letter of intent to the IMF. Excerpt from Erskine Sandiford’s speech (00:37-02:03)
3. Trade unions in Barbados will indicate tonight if they will follow through with shutdown action depending on the failure of the government to reverse the austerity measures. Interview with Patrick Frost, General Secretary of Barbados Secondary Teachers’ Union (02:04-09:08)
4. The French Ministry of Cooperation is withdrawing its technical assistance from Haiti in accordance with suspending French aid and cooperation after the overthrow of Father Aristide. Ousted President, Jean Bertrand Aristide continues an international campaign to garner support against the military regime. Andy Bell interviews Father Aristide in France and Hugh Crosskill interviews Jean-Jacques Honore in Haiti (09:09-14:52)

