Caribbean Report 14-08-1991



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:32)
2. Haiti’s Chamber of Deputies has suspended a recent session called to consider a vote of no confidence in Prime Minister Rene Preval as the parliament pressures the Mr. Preval to resign. Michael Norton reports from Port-au-Prince (00:33-02:29)
3. A last minute intervention by the Dominican Republic resulted in a revision of the list of Caribbean projects to be funded by the EEC under the Lome IV Convention. Sandra Baptiste reports that the Caribbean will now be seeking an additional $33 million from the EEC. Comments on the role and relationship between the Dominican Republic and Haiti in the funding project from Roberto Martinez, a Dominican Republic Minister responsible for Lome matters, and Marie Denise Jean Louis, Haitian Foreign Minister (02:30-06:34)
4. The Bank of Jamaica announced measures to dismiss the liquidators appointed by the Bank of Credit and Commerce International at the Jamaican Branch and to appoint local liquidators to handle the distribution of the BCCI assets to creditors and depositors in Jamaica. Interview with G. Arthur Brown, Governor of the Central Bank in Jamaica (06:35-09:18)
5. A joint Belizean government and private sector delegation had encouraging talks on trade and investment opportunities with the US State Department Trade Ambassador responsible for the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative. Howard Benson reports from Belize City with interviews with Belize Trade Minister Daniel Silver; Chairman of the Belize Chamber of Commerce Billy Musa; and Belize Foreign Minister Said Musa (09:19-11:47)
6. Pete Nivalle interviews the President of the Caribbean Confederation of Credit Unions, Everard Dean, who calls for the urgent creation of a single Caribbean currency to assist in the move towards greater economic integration in the region (11:48-14:46)

