Caribbean Report 13-11-1991



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:44)
2. Cuba’s motion calling for an end to the US embargo goes before the UN General Assembly. In an address to the Assembly, the Cuban UN Ambassador announces that a vote on the motion will be postponed indefinitely amidst the lack of support by other member countries. Christopher Gunness reports from New York (00:45-03:04)
3. Five opposition parties decide to boycott the Guyana elections and the Commonwealth Secretary General, Emeka Auyaoku discusses the arrival of a team of experts in Guyana this week to assess the progress in the compilation of the voters list. Comments from Rupert Roopnarine of the Working People's Alliance and Paul Tennassee of the Democratic Labour Party (03:05-09:02)
4. Trinidadian exporters say a lot of goodwill is needed to revive Caricom’s dwindling inter-regional trade. Sandra Baptiste interviews Oscar Alonzo, Chief Executive Officer of the Export Development Corporation (09:03-11:05)
5. British Labour Member of Parliament, John Smith, completed a tour of the Windward Islands with focus on the export of bananas and confirmed the validity of the fears of the future of the Windward banana industry after Europe becomes a single market (11:06-14:25)
6. The OAS mission to Haiti prepares to leave without the return of President Aristide (14:26-14:59)

