Caribbean Report 03-09-1999 



Table of Contents

1. Headlines with anchor Debbie Ransome (00:00 - 00:30)
2. Guyana’s President Bharrat Jagdeo announced his government acceptance of a controversial award for increase wages and salaries for public servants. This announcement preempts any standoff between government, public sector workers and opposition parties. Colin Smith reports on the decision to accept the ruling and implications for future negotiations and arbitration (00:31 – 03:48)
3. Following negative international press reports on its offshore banking sector, the Cayman Islands hired an international public relations firm to promote and improve the image of financial sectors in the island. President of the island’s Banking Association Eduardo De Silva discusses the plan to hire professional services to maintain high financial standards and establishing financial rules to alleviate the problem of financial impropriety (03: 49 – 07: 34)
4. President Bill Clinton decision to release sixteen Puerto Rican nationalists has come under fire from Washington Congressional Republicans as his attempts at pandering votes from the New York Puerto Rican Hispanic community. His critics has subpoenaed all administrative documents emanating from his decision. David Johnson of the Washington Bureau of the New York Times discusses the consequences of the president’s action to grant clemency to political prisoners (07:35 – 11: 11)
5. Dwayne Brooks, a protected witness in the murder of black teen Stephen Lawrence in 1993 is worried about his own safety. Kimberly Andrews reports on the on-going strained race relations between London Metropolitan police and the black community (11:12 – 13:12)
6. Regional thinkers, policy makers, Heads of States, regional financial experts, academics and other experts gathered at the Mona Campus of The University of the West Indies to discuss the Caribbean in the 21st century. Professor Kenneth Hall Pro Vice Chancellor and Principal discusses the conference theme and key discussion points including challenges facing the region, visions and ideas influencing policy, the economy, politics and science and technology. Conference coordinator elaborates on the main conference themes. Yvette Rowe reports (13:13 – 15:35)

