Caribbean Report 03-08-1993



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:31)
2. Questions continue to be raised over certain aspects of the privatization of the regional airline, LIAT. A meeting in Barbados of LIAT’s shareholders has come up with a number of issues to be addressed by the shareholding governments. Caribbean Aviation Enterprises (CAE), the company hoping to take over LIAT is still trying to win over the doubters. Yvette Rowe reports (00:32-02:24)
3. The St. Lucian opposition leader, Julien Hunte is hoping for a campaign by opposition leaders in the islands against the sale of LIAT. However, in Antigua, the opposition leader has come out in support of the arrangement with CAE. Mr. Hunt has been opposed to the privatization of LIAT from the outset. Interview with Julien Hunte about his plans to block the sale of the airline (02:25-04:46)
4. Three London police officers has been suspended following the death of a Jamaican woman suspected of being an illegal immigrant. Joy Gardner died after a struggle with police and immigration officers who had gone to her home to serve a deportation order. The Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Paul Condon has also ordered his officers not to take part in any more deportation until an enquiry has been held. Interviews with Paul Condon, Metropolitan Police Commissioner and Bernie Grant, Labour MP (04:47-07:20)
5. In Cuba, a decision to allow Cubans to own US dollars still has to be made into law. The idea has to be approved by Cuba’s Council of State and the island’s parliament, the National Assembly of the People’s Power. The government has already stated that the process will be a gradual one. Lionel Martin reports that some Cubans are ahead of the law and many are trading in the black market (07:21-09:14)
6. Behind the political headlines in Haiti, there is a story of increased difficulties being faced by the poor. Before the crisis, conditions were not good, particularly for the children of the poor. Child indicators were said to be the worst in the western hemisphere according to aid agencies. Interview with Elizabeth Gibbons, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) special representative to Haiti who says that the political crisis and the embargo spell a dramatic worsening situation. Yvette Rowe reports (09:15-12:26)
7. Still in Haiti, Haiti’s military ruler is expected to retire from the army on October 15th, two weeks before President Jean-Bertrant Aristide returns to power. The other coup leaders may be sent abroad as military attaches. Aristide’s American lawyer, former US Representative, Michael Barnes also said he has received word from Aristide’s supporters in Haiti that the Parliament had resolved the leadership dispute and was prepared to ratify Aristide choice for Prime Minister, publisher, Robert Malval. Under the compromise, Raoul Cedras and Port-au-Prince Police Chief, Joseph Michel Franҫois would step down (12:27-14:17)
8. News from the Dominican Republic indicated that the ageing President, Jaoquin Balaguer is hospitalized at the Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami. Consul officials said that it is a routine examination (14:18-14:50)

