Caribbean Report 19-07-2002



Table of Contents

1. Headlines: (00:00-00:27)
2. The Trinidad and Tobago Integrity Commission has completed its investigation on the London Bank Account of the Fromer Prime Minister, Mr. Basdeo Panday. He is claiming that the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutor and The Prime Minister – Mr. Patrick Manning, are in collusion to have him arrested (00:30-0032)
3. The Dutch St. Maarten Authority have made the first breakthrough efforts in clamping down against Human Smuggling. One of the Island’s businessmen has been arrested. Neil Nunez reports the illegal transport of humans is said to be a thriving business on the Dutch Island. The arrested businessman is a Jordanian National, whose identity has not been disclosed (01:33-03:12)
4. Former Minister of Parliament, Derrick Knight found himself on the wrong side of the law. Lou Smith reports. “a senior Grenadian attorney plans to take legal action against two police officers, who arrested him and placed him handcuffs.” He was arrested for using obscene and insulting language and resisting arrest. Mr. Knight is a founding member of the Allied and Technical Workers’ Union and a former Government minister in the Eric Gairy Government (06:10-08:10)
4. Grenadian and British Authority are to negotiate the extradition of a man wanted for murder in Grenada. Mr. Fazal Saaed is wanted for questioning in St. Georges after his wife was found dead on a beach. She had been stabbed several times and her throat slit. Mr. Rupert Stillbeck, a human Rights lawyer in the UK, has said that they will not extradite a person to a foreign country to face the Death Penalty. An agreement has to be sought in this case. (03:13-6:09)
5. Former Minister of Parliament, Derrick Knight found himself on the wrong side of the law. Lou Smith reports. “a senior Grenadian attorney plans to take legal action against two police officers, who arrested him and placed him handcuffs.” He was arrested for using obscene and insulting language and resisting arrest. Mr. Knight is a founding member of the Allied and Technical Workers’ Union and a former Government minister in the Eric Gairy Government (06:10-08:10)
6. Proposed changes to the Leadership structure are to be discussed when Guyana’s Progressive People’s Party (PPP) holds its 27th Congress. Since the death of Cheddi Jagan in 1997 the PPP has been without a leader. Colin Smith reports that Bharat Jagdeo is proposed to be nominated as a candidate for the Presidential elections and not the 6. Leader of the Party. Khemraj Ramjattan is proposing that the Congress should elect all Senior party Officials (08:39-10:40)
7. The ACP Congress has concluded in FIJI. Cuba is still left out over the issues of them not signing on to the Cotonou Agreement. Bailey Miller, speaking to Emma Jones, said that the issue of them not signing on has to do with Democracy, good governance, and human rights. However, the ACP is behind Cuba (10:41-13:21)
8. In Kingston Jamaica, athletes have been making a proud showing at the World Junior Track and Field Championships. Reporter Simon Crosskill, says some of these athletes, such as Usain (Lightning) Bolt and Darryl Brown have the makings of Olympic Champions (13:22-15:31)

