Caribbean Report 18-09-1990



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:42)
2. In the largest drug bust in the history of the Dominican Republic, the authorities seized over 1000 kilos of cocaine. Jean Michel Caroit reports that out of the 17 people arrested, most were from Venezuela and the Dominican Republic (00:43-02:32)
3. Former US President, Jimmy Carter, visits Haiti to monitor the upcoming electoral process. His mission will include talks with the President of Haiti, the Electoral Council, political and community leaders and the Head of the Haitian armed forces. Dr. Robert Pascal accompanies Jimmy Carter and is interviewed by Pat Whitehorne (02:33-06:06)
4. The International Coffee Organization has begun two weeks of talks in London in an effort to stabilize the world coffee price. Robin Stainer, Commodity Analyst, states that a dispute over market shares is a major stumbling block at the meeting (06:07-08:41)
5. Pat Thompson, Head of the Caribbean Association of Industry and Commerce, anticipates an increase in Canadian investments in the Caribbean. Sandra Baptiste interviews Pat Thompson after his recent attendance at the meeting of the Advisory Group of the Canadian-Caribbean Business Cooperation Office in Ottawa (08:42-11:41)
6. Possible technical assistance for South Africa should it join the Commonwealth funding to protect the environment and general funding for next year were the main issues discussed by the Board of Representatives of the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation. The Board met in Port of Spain at the Commonwealth Finance Ministers Conference. Debbie Ransome interviews Bill Montgomery, Managing Director of the CFTC (11:42-13:56)
7. Debbie Ransome reports on the mysterious demolition of the buildings on the compound of the Jamaat al Muslimeen in Port of Spain, Trinidad (13:57-15:02)

