Caribbean Report 22-05-1990


In the aftermath of the general elections in the Dominican Republic, there are widespread rumours that Joaquin Balaguer has won the elections and secured a sixth term in office. While his reformist party is declaring him president, the two main opposition parties are claiming serious electoral malpractice and fraud. Secondly, a draft proposal by Britain on restricting of the banana market after 1992 is causing alarm amongst Caribbean banana producers. In the proposal, Britain is requesting a quota on the import of bananas to the EEC which is deemed by some analyst as impractical and could lead to a drastic fall in the price of bananas for Caribbean countries. Following the Financial News, the murder of a wealthy Englishman in St. Maarten is the latest in a series of violent crimes on the island. The report concludes with the appointment of David Taylor as the new governor of Montserrat, a former Chief Executive of the Falkland Islands.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:47)
2. Growing assumption in the Dominican Republic that Joaquin Balaguer secures a sixth term in office. Comments from Mark Feierstein, Observer of the elections and aide of Jimmy Carter (00:48-04:35)
3. David Sugden, Chief Executive of Geest, states that the banana industry in the Caribbean will survive despite the consequences of 1992 (04:36-09:05)
4. Financial News. Comments from Ben Woolston, Project Manager of an electrical company in Britain (09:06-10:56)
5. Murder of a wealthy Englishman in St. Maarten. Eddie Williams reports from Philipburg (10:57-12:56)
6. Interview with David Taylor, the new Governor of Montserrat who assumes office at the end of the week (12:57-15:05)

