Caribbean Report 01-01-1999

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The British Broadcasting Corporation



Table of Contents

1. Today marks the 40th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. Its leader, Fidel Castro Stated in an interview that he would “establish a real, representative and democratic government” (00:00-00:57)
2. First, a look at Cuban history prior to the Revolution. Next, focus is placed on the reaction of Castro’s rise to power by US President Dwight Eisenhower, and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. Focus is also placed on the economic relations between Cuba, the Soviet Union and the United States. (00:58-04:49)
3. A more detailed look at the further deterioration of the economic and political relations between the US and Cuba. The US tried to liberate Cuba by various means, most notably by the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 (04:50- 06:25)
4. Hostility to the US was accompanied by increasingly closer relationship between Cuba and the USSR. In October 1962 there was the Missile Crisis. The next 20 years of Cuba’s ties with the Communist Eastern Bloc is reviewed (06:26-08:33)
5. A detailed look at the effect of the events of 1989 in Eastern Europe on Cuba (08:34-09:37)
6. Tom Gibb reports that forty years on Castro remains firmly Communist in spite of concessions. The island still cannot feed itself; there is food rationing, and blame is placed on the US embargo (09:38-15:18)

