Caribbean Report 21-03-1990


In an effort to speed up the restoration process in the aftermath of Hurricane Hugo, the government of Montserrat is establishing a Rehabilitation Unit to assist the residents without proper shelter. The authorities acknowledges that the existing government departments have not been equipped to offer assistance to everyone in need and the new project is also affected by the high cost of labour on the island. Secondly, the Chief Minister of the Turks and Caicos Islands visits Britain to explore a four-year programme to develop the ailing fishing industry. Following the Financial News, Britain celebrates Anti-Racism Day with reports that very few people in the country are aware of the significance of the day. The final segment highlights England’s victory against the West Indies in the President’s XI.


Report ends abruptly.

Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00 - 00:43)
2. Rehabilitation Unit established in Montserrat to assist residents who are still without shelter after Hurriance Hugo. Jerry Timmins interviews the Head of the new Rabilitation Unit, Roosevelt Jemmottee, Comptroller of Customs and Excise (00:44-04:25)
3. Deputy Chief Minister of Turks and Cacios, Llewellyn Handfield, seeks British assistance for the islands' fishing industry (04:26-07:42)
4. Financial News (07:43-08:45)
5. Low awareness amongst the English of Anti-Racism Day celebrated in Britain. Leslie Garth interviews Keith Hindell, United Nations' official and Therese Mills, Editor-in-Chief of Trinidad Guardian (08:46-13:07)
6. Sporting segment. Christopher Martin-Jenkins reports on the President's XI cricket match between England and the West Indies (13:08-14:23)

