Caribbean Report 09-01-1990


The program focuses on the signing of an agreement between the Government of Guyana and Reynolds Metal International, an American based company. BBC correspondent, Sharief Khan reports on the signing of this joint venture bauxite mining agreement and its implications for Guyana. Secondly, talks are expected to begin with Britain, Belize and Guatemala over long time territorial disputes. Further insights into these talks, the succession of land and access to the Caribbean are discussed by Manuel Esquivel, former Prime Minister of Belize. Following the Financial Market news, predictions are made of fewer British tourists to visit the Caribbean in 1990 due to the recession. The travel industry in Britain reported that bookings to the Caribbean are down by approximately 50 percent as compared to 1989. George Marcall, Sales and Marketing Director of Airtours comments on the economic situation and hikes in hotel prices which have led travellers to the reconsideration their options. Thirdly, the Barbadian Opposition Party suggests that Barbados is heading for a recession in the midst of debates over the state of the economy. The concerns follow an increase in the interest rates of loans and the imposition of restrictions on credit. Correspondent Sandra Baptiste reports and includes interviews with Douglas Lynch of the Barbados Shipping and Trading Company and Dr. Vishnu Persad, Director of Economic Affairs, Division of the Commonwealth Secretariat who state that the economy is not in crisis. The final segment looks at tomorrow’s report of an interview with Randolph Reynolds and a report on the expansion of telecommunication services by Cable and Wireless.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00 - 00:46)
2. Bauxite agreement between Guyana and Reynolds Metals International Company (00:47-02:10)
3. Belize and Guatemala in territorial disputes meeting (02:11-05:50)
4. Financial News (05:51-07:21)
5. Recession reduces the number of British tourists to the Caribbean (07:22-11:09)
6. Barbados and the state of the economy (11:10-13:49)
7. Tomorrow's report (13:49-14:53)

