Caribbean Report 09-12-1991
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The British Broadcasting Corporation
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1. Headlines (00:00-00:30)
2. In Jamaica, a Supreme Court judge today ruled that control of the late Bob Marley's estate must be awarded to the adult members of the Marley family and the Island Logic Company headed by Chris Blackwell. Mr. Justice Clarence Clark, in announcing his ruling today, asked who better than the window and the children of Bob Marley should have control over his estate. As a result, the Supreme Court judge has indicated to the administrators of the estate that the bid of $11.5 million tendered by the adult members of the Marley family, including Rita Marley and Island Logic should be the one accepted. As a result, the $15.2 million bid by MCA of the United States has been disqualified. Following today's ruling, the Executive Director of the Marley Estate, Neville Garrick told Caribbean Report what the ruling meant to the family. The attorney for the Marley family, Michael Hilton stated that there is still some legal work to be done before the late entertainer’s estate is finally untangled (00:31-02:35)
3. The opinion polls in Trinidad and Tobago have played a cruel trick on Prime Minister Arthur Robinson and his National Alliance for Reconstruction. Three Sundays ago, the polls put the Prime Minister's party in front with a nine point lead and within 24 hours Mr. Robinson named December 16th as Election Day. But a fresh poll published yesterday showed the opposition People's National Movement as the front runners with the NAR in second and the United National Congress closing the gap in third place. Report from Tony Fraser in Port of Spain with comments from Prime Minister ANR Robinson (02:36-04:41)
4. Puerto Rico’s Governor, Rafael Hernandez-Colon, has suffered a blow to his credibility. Voting in a referendum on a bill put forward by the governor, Puerto Ricans yesterday rejected his vision of continued US Commonwealth status. The main beneficiary of the vote was the new Progressive Party led by Pedro Rossello, which wants Puerto Rico to become a full-fledged state of America. With nearly all the returns counted, almost 55% voted against the bill. Journalist Kevin Noblett reports (06:42-09:31)
5. The pressure is mounting on Caribbean countries to speed up the process of regional integration in response to the global trend towards free market zones. Furthermore, as was indicated at last week's Miami Conference on the Caribbean, the agenda is now dictating that the region widens not just deepen its integration process. This prodding comes from several sources, chief amongst them the United States, as was evidenced in a statement by the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, Bernard Aronson. US Congressman, Lee Hamilton is also not impressed with the pace of Caribbean regional integration. Dominica's Trade Minister Charles Maynard doubts whether enough attention is being paid to the region’s success stories in integration whilst there is room for improvement. Comments on regional integration from St. Vincent’s Allan Cruickshank and Barbados businessman, Douglas Lynch (09:32-13:26)
6. The Assistant Secretary General of the OAS, Trinidadian Christopher Thomas, believes the economic embargo against Haiti will eventually produce the desired results. Pete Ninvalle interviews Mr. Thomas in St. Lucia (13:27-14:53)
2. In Jamaica, a Supreme Court judge today ruled that control of the late Bob Marley's estate must be awarded to the adult members of the Marley family and the Island Logic Company headed by Chris Blackwell. Mr. Justice Clarence Clark, in announcing his ruling today, asked who better than the window and the children of Bob Marley should have control over his estate. As a result, the Supreme Court judge has indicated to the administrators of the estate that the bid of $11.5 million tendered by the adult members of the Marley family, including Rita Marley and Island Logic should be the one accepted. As a result, the $15.2 million bid by MCA of the United States has been disqualified. Following today's ruling, the Executive Director of the Marley Estate, Neville Garrick told Caribbean Report what the ruling meant to the family. The attorney for the Marley family, Michael Hilton stated that there is still some legal work to be done before the late entertainer’s estate is finally untangled (00:31-02:35)
3. The opinion polls in Trinidad and Tobago have played a cruel trick on Prime Minister Arthur Robinson and his National Alliance for Reconstruction. Three Sundays ago, the polls put the Prime Minister's party in front with a nine point lead and within 24 hours Mr. Robinson named December 16th as Election Day. But a fresh poll published yesterday showed the opposition People's National Movement as the front runners with the NAR in second and the United National Congress closing the gap in third place. Report from Tony Fraser in Port of Spain with comments from Prime Minister ANR Robinson (02:36-04:41)
4. Puerto Rico’s Governor, Rafael Hernandez-Colon, has suffered a blow to his credibility. Voting in a referendum on a bill put forward by the governor, Puerto Ricans yesterday rejected his vision of continued US Commonwealth status. The main beneficiary of the vote was the new Progressive Party led by Pedro Rossello, which wants Puerto Rico to become a full-fledged state of America. With nearly all the returns counted, almost 55% voted against the bill. Journalist Kevin Noblett reports (06:42-09:31)
5. The pressure is mounting on Caribbean countries to speed up the process of regional integration in response to the global trend towards free market zones. Furthermore, as was indicated at last week's Miami Conference on the Caribbean, the agenda is now dictating that the region widens not just deepen its integration process. This prodding comes from several sources, chief amongst them the United States, as was evidenced in a statement by the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, Bernard Aronson. US Congressman, Lee Hamilton is also not impressed with the pace of Caribbean regional integration. Dominica's Trade Minister Charles Maynard doubts whether enough attention is being paid to the region’s success stories in integration whilst there is room for improvement. Comments on regional integration from St. Vincent’s Allan Cruickshank and Barbados businessman, Douglas Lynch (09:32-13:26)
6. The Assistant Secretary General of the OAS, Trinidadian Christopher Thomas, believes the economic embargo against Haiti will eventually produce the desired results. Pete Ninvalle interviews Mr. Thomas in St. Lucia (13:27-14:53)