Caribbean Report 12-01-1989


The autonomous Union of Haitian Workers with support from the country's four left parties have called for a general strike next Tuesday to protest some fourteen complaints including the behaviour of the government after four months in power, against the growing bourgeoisie and national oligarchy, and the extradition of Franck Romain. In the Dominican Republic there is growing opposition to the presence of Franck Romain and other members of the past Duvalier's regime. In Britain, opposition MPs are unhappy with the new guidelines on immigration which came into effect on January 3rd. Under the new rules, MPs can only appeal on behalf of visitors who are denied entry if the circumstances are exceptional or compelling. Nearly three months after Hurricane Joan destroyed the Nicaraguan town of Bluefields, the people are trying to make the most of a devastating situation. The Mayor of Bluefields recognised the need for relocation of its people from sub-standard condition to higher ground and the opportunity for urban planning.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:48)
2. The Autonomous Union of Haitian Workers with support from the country's four left parties have called for a general strike next Tuesday (00:49-02:50)
3. In the Dominican Republic there is opposition to the presence of Franck Romain and other members of the notorious Tonton Macoutes (02:51-05:50)
4. Financial News (05:51-07:40)
5. Under new immigration rules in Britain, MPs can only appeal on behalf of visitors who are denied entry if the circumstances are exceptional or compelling (07:41-12:00)
5. Nearly three months after Hurricane Joan destroyed the Nicaraguan town of Bluefields, the people are trying to make the most of a devastating situation (12:01-15:02)

