Caribbean Report 20-09-1990



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:31)
2. Haiti’s Electoral Council requires $12 million for the upcoming electoral process and has obtained $1 million from the government of Haiti and $1.5 from the United States. Michael Norton reports from Port-au-Prince that additional sources are being sought from France and Germany through the United Nations. He also comments on the future of Ertha Pascal-Trouillot and the recall of the Haitian UN Ambassador (00:32-03:07)
3. Commonwealth Finance Ministers meeting ends in Port of Spain and Debbie Ransome summarizes the main issues of the conference, including ways to reduce the cost of lending from the IMF and the World Bank increasing its net transfers to members. Debbie Ransome also interviews Jamaica’s delegate to the conference, Errol Ennis, Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance (03:08-07:37)
4. Financial News. Richard Quest reports on the comments of the Managing Director of the IMP who stated that countries benefiting from the rise in oil prices should assist those countries that were adversely affected in the form of direct grants and low interest loans (07:38-09:16)
5. Countries of the ACP Group have offered the European Community two proposals for the regulation of the banana trade after 1992. ACP Secretary General in Brussels is interviewed by Leslie Goffe (09:17-12:44)
6. The annual meeting of the Commonwealth Parliamentarians began on Monday in Zimbabwe and the main issues on the agenda include the environment and the status of women. Kenny Lalsingh, the Caribbean and Atlantic Group representative is interviewed by Leslie Goffe (12:45-14:45)

