Caribbean Report 03-08-1999 



Table of Contents

1. Headlines with anchor Debbie Ransome (00:00 - 00:35)
2. A young marine faces the possibility of a court Marshall and the US Marine is looking at options to improve training exercises. These measures were instituted following a report on the April bombing accident at the US naval base in Viajes Puerto Rico in which a civilian was killed. Robert Nelson spokesman for the US Naval Station at Roosevelt Roads comments on the conclusion of the investigation, disciplinary action and revamping training exercises (00:36 - 04:09)
3. Economic vulnerability is one of the measures where a country is gauged. This is one of the suggestions coming out of a meeting in London to evaluate the success of aid initiatives currently in place to help the more indebted countries in the world. The Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) Initiative came under fire as not assisting small countries as well as the stringent policies of aid agencies. Jacky Sutton of BBC Business Unit summarises the charges leveled against donor IMF and the World Bank. Orin Gordon reports (04:10 – 07:15)
4. New Zealand Foreign Minister Donald McKinnon has the support of the majority of member countries to become the next Secretary General of the Commonwealth. McKinnon main rival is Bangladesh Farooq Sobhan. Jessica Roberts reports on the election campaign (07:16 - 09:16)
5. Former Cayman Island banker John Mathewson was convicted of conspiracy and money laundering charges. Miami based publisher of the investigative banking magazine David Marchant addresses the legality of Mathewson testimony and cooperation with the US authorities (10:17 – 12:18)
6. The United States is working assiduously to step up anti- drug surveillance across Caribbean countries. This surveillance comes in light of admission by the US authorities that the loss of Howard Airforce base in the Panama canal zone has weakened US anti-drug efforts in the region. Bob Whelan US spokesperson comments on Venezuela refusal to allow US anti-drug planes to fly over the country (12:19 – 15:26)

