Caribbean Report 05-04-1990


Laverty Stout, the Chief Minister of the British Virgin Islands arrived in London for next week’s International Drugs Conference. He met with Britain’s Minister for Overseas Development, Lynda Chalker, to discuss the level of British aid to improve education, health services and roads in BVI. A meeting was also convened between Laverty Stout and Timothy Sainbury, the Minister Responsible for the Caribbean, focusing on off-shore banking and international finance. The next segment highlights the escape of a Haitian soldier who hijacked an American Airlines jet at Haiti’s International Airport after he was reprimanded by a senior officer for insubordination. Following the Financial News, the president of Cuba’s National Assembly announces his country’s plans to sell sugar on the world market if Cuba encounters trading difficulties with traditional Eastern European trading partners. Guyana’s sugar disputes between the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union and Guysuco continues despite the end of the two-day strike. The final segment provides insight into the possibilities of Haiti becoming a new and challenging economic power in the Caribbean region. Haitian businessmen purport that they can expand the export sector by exploiting the new markets in Eastern Europe.


Brief musical interlude at the beginning of the report.

Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:26 - 01:01)
2. Laverty Stout, Chief Minister of the British Virgin Islands holds talks with British government ministers. Pat Whithorne interviews Laverty Stout in London (1:02-04:40)
3. Hijack at Haiti's International Airport ends. Michael Norton reports from Port-au-Prince (04:41-06:53)
4. Financial News. Chris Pack, Commodities Analyst, comments on the effect of Cuban sugar on world sugar prices (06:54-08:31)
5. President of Cuba's National Assembly announces Cuba's intentions to sell sugar on the world market. Leslie Garth interviews David Jessop of the West India Committee in London (08:32-10:51)
6. Protest actions in Guyana's sugar industry ends. Sharief Khan reports from Georgetown (10:52-12:18)
7. Potential growth of Haiti's export sector. Jerry Timmins interview the owner of a textile company in Port-au-Prince (12:19-15:24)

