Caribbean Report 02-10-1991



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:25)
2. On day two of the recent military coup in Haiti, deposed President Jean-Bertrand Aristide flew to Washington from Venezuela to address the OAS and is expected to call for military intervention to restore his government toppled early Tuesday morning (00:26-00:49)
3. In Haiti, the coup leader Brigadier General Raoul Cedras is expected to meet with the Haitian parliament and held a press conference today in which he again denounced President Aristide as a nightmare of a dictator. In an interview, the opposition parliamentarian Louis Dejoie stated that General Cedras confirmed the death of jailed Tonton Macoute leader Roger LaFontante and blamed it on President Aristide. LaFontante reportedly was killed when President Aristide’s loyalists stormed the state penitentiary on Monday night (00:50-01:40)
4. Michael Norton reports on the state of affairs from Haiti today (01:41-03:39)
5. President Aristide is expected to address the Organization of American States in Washington. Outside the building, Haitians living in Washington are holding a demonstration organized by the Washington office in Haiti and the country's ambassador to the United Nations Fritz Longchamp is expected to make a speech. Interview with John Cosin (03:40-05:53)
6. United States President George Bush says he is disinclined to send American troops to Haiti however he did not rule out the possibility of a multi-national force going in. He said that any action of that type should be dealt with by the Organization of the American States of which Haiti is a member. Report from Christopher Nuttall features comments from President George Bush (05:54-07:51)
7. The United Nations Security Council came under attack today from Haiti’s UN Ambassador, Fritz Longchamp, for failing to agree to intervene in the coup in Haiti. In an interview with Mike Jarvis, the BBC UN correspondent Chris Gunness stated that the Security Council indicated that it will sanction any such action taken by the OAS (07:51-10:24)
8. Cuba condemns the military coup in Haiti and calls for the restoration of the government of Jean-Bertrand Aristide. The Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, ANR Robinson, also says that his government is prepared to support multi-lateral military action (10:25-10:56)
9. The West Indies cricket selectors have announced the WI squad headed by captain Richie Richardson to tour Sharjah in October (10:57-12:26)
10. In an interview, Grenada’s Prime Minister Nicholas Brathwaite rules out going to the IMF to alleviate the economic problems in the country (12:27-14:23)

