Caribbean Report 29-01-1992


There are reports on the United States refusal to respond to claims that it will be closing the U.S. embassy in Haiti and is considering military action to enforce the trade embargo; the increased number of Haitian refugees and on a letter written to the Haitian army denouncing the violence occurring. The opposing views of Sir Shridath Ramphal, chairman of the West Indian Commission and Dame Eugenia Charles, Dominica's Prime Minister, over Caricom leaders response to Caribbean integration, are aired. The John Compton's government in St. Lucia denies claims by the opposition of attempting to realign elections boundaries and a meeting of Caribbean and Central Ameican foreign ministers is to take place in Honduras to explore opportunities for economic and diplomatic cooperation.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:36)
2. Report on the refusal of U.S. officials to respond to claims that the U.S. embassy will be closed in Haiti and is considering military action to enforce the trade embargo (00:37-00:49)
3. Chris Nuttal reports from Washington on the Haiti issue, and on the increased number of Haitian refugees (00:50-01:44)
4. Interview with Joe Snyder, U.S. spokesman on the reason for the sudden upsurge of Haitian refugees (01:45-02:32)
5. Report on the overcrowding at the holding camps at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (02:33-02:54)
6. Interview with Haiti's Permanent representative to the United Nations, Fritz Longchamp on his views of possible military intervention in Haiti (02:55-06:12)
7. Report on the letter written by Regional Human Rights Organisation, Caribbean Rights, to the Commander of the Haitian army denouncing recent acts of violence in Haiti (06:13-06:58)
8. Airing of views by Dame Eugenia Charles, Dominica's Prime Minister on her criticism of the views expressed by Sir Shridath Ramphal , chairman of the West Indian Commission (06:59-07:12)
9. Report on the remarks made by Sir Shridath Ramphal on the seriousness of Caricom leaders about Caribbean integration and the opposing views of Dame Eugenia Charles (07:13-08:03)
10. Airing of views by Dame Eugenia Charles and response by Sir Shridath Ramphal (08:04-09:56)
11. Report on the rejection by the John Compton government of charges by the opposition of attempting to interfere with election boundaries in St. Lucia (09:57-10:12)
12. Pete Ninvalle reports from Castries on John Compton's rejection of the claims and airs his speech. Also airs views of the Elections and Boundaries Commission chairman and that of opposition leader Julien Hunte who accused both the Prime Minister and commission chairman of trying to cover their tracts in light of their exposed plans (10:13-13:40)
13. Report on the meeting to be held in Honduras by Foreign ministers from the Caribbean and Central America for the exploration of areas for mutual economic and diplomatic cooperation (13:41-14:25)

