Caribbean Report 11-10-1991



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:35)
2. Human rights leader, Jean-Jacques Honorat was today named Haiti's new prime minister. The new prime minister served as Minister of Tourism under the late François Duvalier from 1958-1961, expelled by the military in 1980 and returned in 1986 when he opened the Haitian Center for Human Rights. He received the American Bar Association's 1991 International Human Rights Award (00:36-01:25)
3. The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a resolution which strongly condemns the coup in Haiti and calls for the restoration of the government of Father Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Christopher Gunness report includes the Foreign Minister of Dominica, Brian Allen urging the Caricom countries to enforce tight restrictions on trade and arms trade to Haiti. The UN Ambassador of the Bahamas James, Moultrie warns of harsh consequences to Haiti and the Haitian Ambassador to the United Nations, Fritz Longchamp comments on the watering down of the UN resolution (01:26-06:08)
4. On the heels of the United States' advisory for its citizens involved in business to leave Haiti, the British government today advised its citizens to do the same (06:09-06:29)
5. The Jesuit Superior for Guyana, Father Michael Campbell-Johnson has just returned to London from Georgetown where he got first-hand reports on the controversial voter's list. In an interview with Hugh Crosskill, he states that the voters list in its current form is unacceptable (06:30-08:49)
6. Montserrat's new Legislative Council was sworn in today and headed by the 37 year-old former government economist, Reuben Meade who led his National Progressive Party to a 4-seat victory in the general elections this week. Interview with Reuben Meade (08:50-11:38)
7. The London-based West India Committee will stage the fourth and final Europe Caribbean Conference in Brussels next month. The Committee's Executive Director, David Jessop told Sandra Baptiste that the conference would also give Europeans a chance to voice their doubts about the region (11:39-12:56)
8. British Labour Party MP, George Foulkes, now visiting the Caribbean says that the future of the economies of the banana exporting countries in the Windward Islands depends on a secure European market and the region's banana producing countries are not putting enough pressure on European governments (12:57-14:05)
9. Cuba's ruling Communist party seeking to extend its influence at a time of economic and political crisis moved today to lift a membership ban against Christians and other religious believers. The subject produced heated debates during discussions on changes to the party statutes (14:06-14:50)

